*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 60351 *** VOL. I. NO. 1. TRINITY ARCHIVE. _PUBLISHED BY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES._ ══════════════════════════════════════════════ MONTHLY. TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C. PRICE, 15 CTS. ══════════════════════════════════════════════ CONTENTS. EXPLANATORY Page 3 EDITORIAL NOTES: Prohibition in Trinity 4 Examinations and Degrees 4 More Room 4 The Sugar Planters 4–5 Reed & Kellogg 5 English Orthography 5 EDITORIALS: Endow the Colleges 6 A College Library 6 The Chicago Anarchists 6–7 England’s Irish Policy 7 Lynch Law 7–8 A Temperance Party 8 Uncharitableness in Politics 8–9 REVIEWS: Genung’s Elements of Rhetoric 9–10 Joynes-Messner German Grammar 10 King Solomon’s Mines—_Haggard_ 10–11 Labor Movement in America—_Ely_ 11–12 Colleges 12 EXCHANGES 13–14 LOCALS 15–16 ALUMNI 17–18 ══════════════════════════════════════════════ MANAGERS’ NOTICES. Correspondents will please send all matter intended for publication to Prof. J. L. Armstrong, Trinity College, N. C. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar, per scholastic year (nine issues), if paid in advance; if not paid in advance, one dollar and twenty cents. To any one who will send us a Club of Five cash yearly subscribers, we will give a year’s subscription, free. Remittances should be made by postal note, postal order, or registered letter, and made payable to “Business Managers of the TRINITY ARCHIVE.” TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 column, per issue, $3.00; per scholastic year, $20.00 ½ 〃 〃 1.75; 〃 12.00 ⅓ 〃 〃 1.25; 〃 9.00 1 inch, 〃 .75; 〃 5.00 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════ All business communications should be forwarded to NICHOLSON & JONES, _Business Managers_, TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C. _Entered as second-class matter in Post Office at Trinity College, N. C._ * * * * * F. FISHBLATE, THE LEADING CLOTHIER OF NORTH CAROLINA. WE KEEP ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING, HATS, —AND— Furnishing Goods. Our line of Fine Dress Suits and Overcoats is the largest and finest ever seen. In our Hat and Furnishing Goods Department you can find anything you could ask for. All we ask is a call to convince you that our stock is the largest, finest and cheapest you have ever seen. Respectfully, F. FISHBLATE, GREENSBORO, N. C. C. M. VANSTORY, MANAGER. P. S. Suits made to order from samples a specialty. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. * * * * * A FREE TICKET TO Farrior & Crabtree’s Boot and Shoe Store, South Elm St., GREENSBORO, N. C. SOLE AGENTS FOR Zeigler Bros., Jas. Means’ $3, And Wm. Dorsch & Son’s FINE GOODS. * * * * * C. B. Hayworth, _The People’s Liveryman._ HIGH POINT, N. C. Good Stock and conveyances. Prices reasonable. Patronage of Trinity Students solicited. * * * * * JOHN H. TATE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocer and Confectioner. Fancy Groceries, Fine Confections, TOBACCO AND CIGARS SPECIALTIES. FINEST DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL FRUITS always on hand in season. HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH GRADE PATENT FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SPICES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, CANNED GOODS, Wood and Willow Ware, Tin Ware, _BROOMS, &c._ New Corner Store, next door to Post Office, HIGH POINT, N. C. * * * * * Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes. [Illustration] Cigarette smokers who are willing to pay a little more than the price charged for the ordinary trade cigarettes, will find this brand superior to all others. The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest cost gold leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and original brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 1875. Beware of imitations and observe that the firm name as below is on every package. ALLEN & GINTER, MANUFACTURERS, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA * * * * * GREENSBORO Female College, GREENSBORO, N. C. The Sixty-Sixth Session of this well-equipped and prosperous School will begin on the 11th of January, 1888. Faculty (consisting of three Gentleman and eleven Ladies) able, accomplished and faithful. Instruction thorough in all departments. Superior advantages offered in the departments of Music, Art, Elocution and Modern Languages. Location, healthful and beautiful; fare good. Premises large, with ample walks for out-door recreation. Buildings large, convenient, comfortable, and furnished with all the appliances of A FIRST CLASS FEMALE COLLEGE. Special attention paid to physical health, comfort, and developement, and moral and spiritual culture. For catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, PRESIDENT. * * * * * Group Photographs. I would announce to the students of Trinity College that with a view to doing school work I have specially fitted myself for making LARGE GROUPS, such as Classes, Fraternities, Literary Societies, &c. Will be glad to serve with whatever they need in Photography, in that or any other line of work. I also make Portrait Frames and Mats to Order. Respectfully, S. L. ALDERMAN, GREENSBORO, N. C. * * * * * THE TRINITY ARCHIVE. Published under the Supervision of the Professor of English. TRINITY COLLEGE, NOV., 1887. Goe, little booke! thy selfe present! _Spenser._ * * * * * The movement set on foot by the Board of Trustees to advance the interests of Trinity exerts a stimulating influence upon the College itself. The students, feeling the impetus given, have entered heartily into sympathy with the new management. That another door to literary work might be opened to them, they have planned and, with the approbation of the Faculty, established THE ARCHIVE. Its columns will receive and preserve their best work. Dull efforts to say nothing in many words, mild platitudes on ancient classics, and meanderings through hazy sentiment will be buried in the dust of the top-shelf along with “Which is mightier, the pen or the sword?” A concise statement, however, of original investigation in any department, whether from student or from member of the Faculty, will be welcomed; for it has been determined that its aim shall not be solely a literary one. It is desired, also, that the paper be a means of communication between College and patrons. To this end, the circulation will be extended as far as possible over the territory covered by the North Carolina Conference. Trinity news, Trinity interests, Trinity announcements will be made prominent. The co-operation of clergy and laity, especially of the Alumni, is asked in putting THE ARCHIVE into general circulation; for Trinity claims as her patrons the whole membership of the Conference. The responsibility of publication is undertaken by the two Literary Societies. The two Managers and ten Editors are chosen out of their members, and the Professor of English has been designated Censor. Training in journalism is a legitimate part of College work. A proposition, however, to establish a _Chair_ of Journalism merits the jocular tone with which the press has greeted it. The practical exercise afforded in publishing a paper helps to make ready writers, and is a valuable auxiliary to the regular course. The College dominates the village, and liquor cannot gain a foot-hold. Friends of the institution could not lay too much stress upon the fact. It is a comforting assurance to parents that their sons will not be exposed to this temptation. Trinity lies next to a strong temperance community, and there is no danger that rum-shops will be set up just beyond the College limits. * * * * * Examinations for admission to College classes will be held twice a year, in June and in September, on the latter date exclusively at Trinity College, beginning at ten A. M. on the day before the opening. Applicants for admission in 1888 will be required to stand examinations on the following subjects: 1. Arithmetic, including Metric System; 2. Algebra to Quadratics; 3. History of the United States; 4. English Grammar and Analysis; 5. Geography, Descriptive and Physical; 6. Physiology and Hygiene; 7. Latin Grammar, three Books of Cæsar. All students, on coming up to enter, will be required to fill out a blank form of enrollment. The entrance examinations, though this year necessarily incomplete, have secured beneficial results. The students have in the main fallen into their proper classes without waiting for the regular examinations to show them their mistake. In the A. B. Course, fourteen hours a week in recitation will be required of the Seniors. Six hours will be filled by assigned subjects, the other eight being made up out of subjects chosen by the student. The same number of hours will be required of those applying for the Ph. B. degree, but there will be eight hours assigned work to six hours elective. * * * * * The recitation rooms are full. Larger ones with more black-board space will be a pressing need, if the numbers grow. The preparatory department also demands that help which its importance merits. Will the Methodists of North Carolina see it, too, firmly established and able to offer all the advantages of a well-equipped school? Other denominations, as well as the State, are doing this. Few boys will remain for a sentiment; they go where the greatest inducements lie. * * * * * Till Congress meets and while Congress shall wrangle over measures, there is daily piled up in the national Treasury a dangerous balance withdrawn from circulation. Wall street is nervous. Some permanent relief must be devised. High tariff has the majority and must solve the problem. _The Nation_ says: “Looking about for some lamb to slaughter or some pig to shear, the protectionists have fixed their eyes upon the sugar-planters as the class likely to yield the largest fleece with the least squealing. The revenue from sugar is upwards of $50,000,000; the number of planters is very small. Although they have been reinforced to some extent by the manufacturers of glucose and a few sorghum and beet-root enthusiasts, they amount altogether to a very feeble contingent. Sugar is an article of prime necessity. * * * * * “Accordingly we find such admirable defenders of protection as Senators Sherman, Dawes and Hiscock advocating a reduction or repeal of the duties on sugar, with a compensating bounty to the growers of cane, beets, &c., at home. * * * * * “A bounty of $7,000,000 a year to the sugar-planters, paid by warrants drawn on the Treasury, would be a very different thing in appearance from a like bounty paid under the operation of the tariff, although it would be the same thing in fact. A bounty of $17,000,000 to the steel-rail makers, if paid directly from the Treasury, could not last a year. Yet that bounty has been paid during the present year in the indirect method of customs duties. We can think of nothing more likely to expose protection to irresistible assaults than the adoption of the bounty system in any single instance. We cannot believe that the high-tariff fraternity will be so short-sighted as to sanction it as part of their scheme of ‘tariff reform.’ We are persuaded that they will offer up the sugar-planters and the beet and sorghum cranks as a sacrifice without more ado, and be glad to get off so cheaply.” * * * * * It has been reserved for _Reed and Kellogg_ from the foundation of the world to catch the Fleeting Thought and marry it to Geometry. _O tempora! O mores!_ * * * * * English is rich in puzzles. Its orthography is a conundrum the size of “Webster’s Unabridged.” The foreign crew of printers that followed Caxton made high sport of rigging it out in fantastic shape. Then old Dr. Johnson fetched it a heavy blow with his paw and finished it. Presently China will offer her 50,000 symbols, or the pyramids will tender the use of their hieroglyphs, as a relief from this oppressive system. * * * * * Polydore de Keyser, Alderman for Farringdon Without, and a Roman Catholic, has been elected Lord Mayor of London, Editorials. ══════════════════════════════════════ J. S. BASSETT, _Hesperian_, } } EDITORS. G. N. RAPER, _Columbian_, } ══════════════════════════════════════ Senator Leland Standford has in view the endowment of a university for California. His purpose is to build it with “a sole regard to the poor,” so that “no rich man’s son will want to come there.” This is as it should be. When the poor boys and girls of America find an opportunity to become educated men and women, they prove to be the strongest and most energetic workers in the cause of enlightenment; and all those who desire the perpetuity of our political, social and religious institutions hail this action of Mr. Standford with a special joy. Now, as never before in this century, does our country need great men at its head; and, if we survive, must we not look, as in the past crises, for our statesmen among the frugal and uncorrupted laboring class? Then let him who, having accumulated a goodly fortune of this world’s goods, desires to be remembered for his benevolence, not forget that in the intellectual and moral education of the masses lies the destiny of the grandest nation on earth. * * * * * Nothing is more vital to the welfare of a college than a good library. There is something else connected with the acquisition of an education, besides transferring to the mind the contents of text-books. It is necessary to get broad ideas and extended information on each subject. This can best be done by obtaining the opinion of several authors on that subject, for it is only when one has come to look at a subject from several standpoints that he can form a correct opinion relative to it. It is here that the library makes its influence felt by affording students access to works which, owing to their cost, they could not own. Those who contend that the function of the library is only supplemental to the college course, should remember that life also is supplemental to the college course, and that the college course is but introductory to the library function, both in turn being introductory to life and all three being links of the chain of enlightened existence, the removal of either of which would be detrimental. * * * * * The convicted anarchists now in the Chicago jail awaiting execution are making, through their friends, strenuous efforts to have their punishment lessened. A petition has been presented asking for a reprieve. The plea is that the peace will be preserved. While we boast a reasonable amount of mercy, still we can see nothing to commend to our favor a petition which is, at the same time, a threat. There is abundant evidence that the introduction of anarchists into our country is for no good, and now is the best time to strike a blow, which, being dealt against a pernicious organization in its incipiency, shall be all the more effective in crushing it. Many people imagine that, because eight thousand names have been secured to this petition, it deserves consideration; but, let the sense of the people at large be taken, and then we shall see how many million names of good American citizens, demanding the execution of this sentence as a safeguard to them in the enjoyment of their rights as free people, shall be secured. Where the safety of a nation is at stake, there is no place for timid sentiment in the hearts of those who are custodians of that safety. Then, since a “jury of twelve of their peers” has declared the six anarchists guilty, let them hang and let others of their organization take warning. * * * * * The policy of England toward Ireland as expressed in her dealings with O’Brien is peculiarly cowardly. It should not be the part of unaffected spectators to express themselves too strongly on either side of a national question like this, but no man, sane and honest, can know the facts in the case and not feel in his soul both contempt for the English government and sympathy for Ireland. That country is indeed to be pitied whose proud boast it is that the sun never sets on her dominion, and yet is under the guidance of a government which, to forward its purpose deems it necessary to resort to such measures as those employed against Ireland’s patriotic editor. The history of nations shows that a policy of oppression toward any part of a government will re-act disastrously on the oppressors, and the rulers of England, if they are wise, will adopt a conciliatory policy before they goad to desperation a race of people who have more than once shown themselves no unworthy foemen for some of the proudest armies of Europe. In the present condition of the international political affairs of our neighbors across the Atlantic, an outbreak in Ireland would mean something more than a rebellion to be crushed; and the sovereign, the beginning of whose reign was marked by serious trouble in the East, might close her career with that same East either entirely snatched from her hands by her Muscovite neighbor or the scene of a long struggle for the mastery. * * * * * Read the papers and what spirit of ferocity is often manifested in the “criminal columns.” There is an account of some wretched man who, after he has suffered death at the hands of an infuriated mob, has had his body riddled with bullets. Granting his crime merited death, there is no principle of justice in such action. It is a violation of that right which the English noblemen obtained from King John at Runnymede, the right of trial by jury. Moreover, it seems as if “judgment had fled to brutish beasts and men had lost their reason.” Besides usurping authority, the mob is moved by vengeance alone to inflict punishment. Every reasonable man should discountenance such procedure, but is at the same time desirous of the just execution of punishment upon him that doeth wrong. * * * * * The Nestor of Southern statesmen has recently given to the public his opinions on prohibition. We heartily agree with him that one of the strongest weapons possible for man to wield against the progress of intemperance is found in the duty of every mother to implant in the very souls of her children the true principles of temperance. While the children are young is the time to give lasting life to ideas which in later years will produce good results for the suppression of the liquor traffic and the elevation of mankind. But this weapon is not used so successfully as is necessary. We do not agree with Mr. Davis that any inalienable rights would be taken from the citizens by the success of a new political party with temperance for its issue. If the State needs and even demands a reform, if both Democrats and Republicans are afraid to touch the liquor problem, the formation of a party that does not fear to suppress social evils is a necessity. Times change, and parties _must_ change. Moreover, it is no disgrace, nay, even it shows a spirit of fortitude for a man to change his politics, if he finds that he can better promote the welfare of his country. Slavery once impeded our healthy development and it took the organization of a party to abolish it. The impediment of our age is intemperance, and the demand of the times is some political force—call that force what you may—which will free us from the tendency toward degradation. * * * * * There will be contests this fall in several States, between the two political parties, and the press in its comments may attempt, as is too often done, to vilify the candidates of the opposite party. The best way to secure success is for both candidate and editor to treat every man according to his worth and not rely upon low ribaldry and exaggerated invective. The man who attempts to succeed through bitter recitals of the deeds of the past will not only offend the finer sensibilities of the best citizens but often stands in danger of defeat among his equals. Such a person ought to be put on the retired list and preserved as a specimen of humanity of two centuries ago. Every man is expected to be strong and enthusiastic for his party, but no man should so far forget the use of his reason as to call his neighbor a rascal simply on account of different political views. When a man’s character will not bear the test then let the press expose him. The publication of prejudiced accusations, and the display of cartoons devised by narrow-minded partisans tend only to corrupt our civilization. It is the purpose of THE ARCHIVE to condemn whatever may be wrong in every political party and at the same time to maintain such views as can be considered at least liberal. * * * * * As we go to press, the two Literary Societies make a proposition to the Board of Trustees to raise $5000 for a combined library and society building, if the Board will raise a like amount. This proposition will be laid before the Executive Committee at their meeting in Greensboro, Nov. 4. Reviews. ════════════════════════════════════ G. T. ADAMS, _Hesperian_, } } EDITORS. D. C. ROPER, _Columbian_. } ════════════════════════════════════ THE PRACTICAL ELEMENTS OF RHETORIC, with Illustrative Example, By John F. Genung, Ph. D. (Leipsic), Professor of Rhetoric in Amherst College. Boston: Ginn & Company. 1887. pp. xii, 488. Cloth. This book has two parts, Style and Invention. Part First analyzes style, elements of style, qualities of style, kinds of composition. Of the eight chapters that make up the second half, the first two are devoted to a discussion of the principles that belong to any literary work, and the remaining six to the practical application of them, as seen in the leading forms of discourse. The author attempts to give only the practical elements of rhetoric, and in so doing his supreme effort is directed to the demands of his subject in order to bring out in its fullness what is really beneficial to the student. As old things, in proportion to their living value, need from time to time to be newly defined and distributed, so the author has made a new and admirable division of topics, each of which he introduces with a simple and yet strictly accurate definition. The arrangement of topics and the treatment of the same are, to say the least, fine, and plainly show that the purpose of the author has been very successfully accomplished, both in the expository and in the illustrative matter. Genung’s style is clear and impressive. He has not merely compiled from other authors, but, for the principles laid down, has gone to the true sources, the usage of the best contemporaneous writers, to verify old rules and to lay down new ones. He has by no means tied himself to rhetoric descended from the classics, his practical standard excluding on the one hand, points whose interest is merely speculative, and on the other, discriminations that are only named and defined, without directions looking to use or avoidance. Furthermore, the publishers have done well their part, using every artifice to place the treatise clearly before the student. It is to be regretted, however, that a word and phrase index was not added to the other indexes. * * * * * A GERMAN GRAMMAR for schools and colleges based on the Public School German Grammar of A. S. Meissner, M. A., Ph. D., D. Lit. By Edward S. Joynes, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages in South Carolina College. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1887. pp. ix, 322. While the author has based his work upon that of Meissner, he has by no means slavishly followed that Grammar, but has greatly extended the syntax so as to suit the higher schools. In doing this, Prof. Joynes has consulted the standard grammars of Whitney and Brandt, and has received the aid of distinguished scholars. The subjects are excellently arranged, the rules briefly worded, but clearly and accurately expressed. There is nothing superfluous. It is to be regretted, however, that Prof. Joynes did not see fit to treat more fully the prepositions; for many dictionaries, especially such as the student can own, are incomplete in this very regard. A discussion, therefore, of the prepositions with a list of their constructions arranged for reference would be of incalculable value to the student. This Grammar is already having a run and will prove itself a formidable rival to those in the field. Last but not least, the part intrusted to the publishers has been admirably executed, leaving in typography nothing to be desired. * * * * * KING SOLOMON’S MINES. By H. Rider Haggard. Cassell & Co., N. Y. This is a book that all may read with pleasure, mainly because it is something out of the usual order. Being rather a compromise between Robinson Crusoe and the Arabian Nights, you are constantly catching glimpses of these books and yet at the same time, reading a new story. The author takes an Englishman to South America in search of a lost brother who, as the Englishman thinks, has found his way to King Solomon’s Mines. Guides and other necessaries being procured, the party set out across the desert for these inaccessible mines. After overcoming many and varied difficulties, they find the diamonds. The party is shut up by the old witch in charge of the cave; but, finally escaping with many of her jewels, they by chance find the lost brother and return to civilization. The author is not so unkind as to force his truths upon you, but rather takes it for granted that his statements will be received as given, for no other purpose than that of entertaining. There is a vein of humor running through it that makes the whole story very agreeable, and even when most astonished at his statements, you are compelled to laugh at the courteous way in which they are expressed. In originality of expression, this novel surpasses the majority, and adds a full book to Cassell’s “Rainbow Series.” * * * * * THE LABOR MOVEMENT IN AMERICA. By Richard T. Ely, Ph. D., Associate in Political Economy, Johns Hopkins University. 1 Vol. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. pp. 375. Every one who is even partially acquainted with the present condition of the laboring masses and with the “marvellous war now being waged in the heart of modern civilization” can not fail to see readily the necessity for some one to undertake to solve the difficult problem with which this volume deals. In view of this fact, and being duly impressed with the weight and importance of this issue upon which the welfare of humanity depends, the author has devoted much time and labor, not only to the consideration of this problem, but also to condensing the results into a history, or rather, as he says, a “sketch” of the different labor organizations in America. The work deals chiefly with the main current of social life, not finding room in this volume to deal with the many separate lesser ones. He presents rather than refutes the important statements connected with this main _current_, although he does not abstain entirely from criticism. The topics are systematically arranged, enabling the reader more clearly to understand and more easily to retain the accurate record of facts. His sketch on “Early American Communism” and that on “The Growth and Present Condition of Labor Organizations in America” are especially interesting and instructive. His treatment of the economic and educational values of the labor organizations is masterly and explicit, evincing a thorough understanding of the great principles upon which our social fabric is based. In the Appendix are given the Platforms, Constitutions and By-Laws of the various labor organizations, which are read with interest and profit, inasmuch as the principles and complaints of the laborer are clearly set forth therein. The last words penned in the preparation of the work are addressed to the working men. The caution and the counsel given in this address would prove of incalculable value to all whom they concern. Were these heeded, inestimable benefits would most certainly accrue to all the laboring classes. If they would pursue the course prescribed by the author, they would be much happier, wealthier and wiser. They would learn to appreciate instead of abuse the many blessings of this life. Then the riots, strikes, boycottes and outbursts of general discontent, for a long time so prevalent in the land, would soon become almost a matter of history. The author’s abhorrence of the many objectionable features connected with the labor movement can be plainly seen, although he does not feel it incumbent upon him to call attention to each one of them; but, when it is necessary, he does not hesitate to express his opinion touching many of the schemes for destruction, which he regards as “damnable.” This valuable work closes with the remedies for the cure of social evils. While they can not be properly called a panacea for all the ills, nor an elaborate scheme of social regeneration, yet, as suggestions, they are timely and well worthy the careful consideration of the reader. Every laborer, either contented or dissatisfied with his present lot, should read this book. COLLEGES. * * * * * Princeton wants to be a University. Yale is to have a $125,000 gymnasium. Emery and Henry College, Va., wants to raise an endowment. Central College, Mo., (Methodist) opened with 89. North Carolina institutions have opened finely this year. Those with the best endowments reap a commensurate harvest. Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C., (Methodist) has 70 in college and 35 in the preparatory department. The experiment of keeping it altogether distinct from the college is being tried there. Hence the “Fitting School” has been removed to a distant part of the town. Randolph-Macon College, Va., has 143 students. Of these, 126 have joined the Y. M. C. A., and ten more have signified their intention to become members. Prof. Robert F. Sharpe, of Rhode Island, has been appointed Adjunct in the Department of National Science. The new gymnasium, the handsomest building on the campus, is supplied with all the modern appliances, including hot and cold baths. It is under the charge of a competent instructor in physical training. Exchanges. ══════════════════════════════════════ M. C. THOMAS, _Hesperian_, } } EDITORS. W. A. BARRETT, _Columbian_, } ══════════════════════════════════════ THE ARCHIVE’S visit to any literary magazine or newspaper may be considered as an invitation to exchange. Thus far the _Wake Forest Student_ and the _College Message_ have been received. THE ARCHIVE extends cordial greetings to all periodicals which may exchange with it, and trusts that harmony may prevail between it and them, and that mutual benefit may be derived. The _College Message_, G. F. College, is welcomed to our exchange list. We are in receipt of the September number. It contains some very readable articles and some matter of a frivolous order. Its pages, however, demonstrate the fact, that women can occupy the editorial chair with ability. THE ARCHIVE acknowledges the receipt of a special copy of _The Hot Blast_, Anniston, Ala. The print is plain, the cuts clear, the general appearance handsome, and the paper, on a whole, does credit to the enterprise of the company. This number is devoted especially to the interests of Anniston, and is calculated to infuse her citizens with life, energy and pluck. The paper is not a source of local pride alone, nor is it devoted alone to local interests. It proclaims the hidden treasures of Alabama and the whole South. North Carolina may well be proud that a part of its pages are the fruits of North Carolina talent, and it is an occasion of gratification to Trinity that its city editorial chair is filled by one of her recent students. The last number of the _Wake Forest Student_ contains an article entitled “Religious Life at College” in which three reasons are propounded why a Christian life and a College course are uncongenial companions. These are, first, that a student’s life is wholly of an intellectual nature and that his religious duties are made subordinate to his intellectual work; secondly, that a student’s associations wield a mighty influence over his spiritual life; thirdly, that a student is required to attend devotional exercises. The first two reasons are granted, and are too obvious to need comment. The third is at least debatable. When a boy first enters College, he enters upon a new life, and, as a general thing, discretion, as to how he shall act and what he shall do, is just as far absent from him as it was in early childhood. It is just as necessary that the Faculty should require him to attend divine worship, as it was that his parents should train him in childhood to attend church and Sunday school. In most colleges, in which attendance upon divine worship is left voluntary, many boys, who have been accustomed to attend devotional exercises at home, drop these duties, and, from want of their ennobling influence, fall into wickedness and dissipation. In all such cases, the Faculty should act _in loco parentis_. There is evidence that a student can but feel the holy influence of divine worship, though he be forced into its presence. The same number of the _Student_ contains an article headed, “The Sciences in Our Colleges,” by Prof. W. H. Michael of that institution. The Professor displays considerable thought in his treatment of this subject. He commences his article by saying, “The emancipation of science from its servitude to the dead languages in our colleges seems every year to be more strongly demanded.” He then goes on to state his reasons for so thinking, and sustains his positions by sound arguments. An extended review of the article is not intended, but merely to call attention to the fact that the demand for a more thorough study of the sciences is rapidly gaining ground in all parts of our country. Some few years ago, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., occasioned considerable discussion among the literary periodicals of our country by an address which he delivered before the literary societies of Harvard, in which he bitterly opposed the study of the “dead languages” to the neglect of the sciences, and regretted that he had spent the most of his college life in the acquisition of a knowledge of the classics, while he had learned scarcely anything of the sciences. Although Mr. Adams was somewhat of an extremest in his views, yet his speech did great good by arousing the minds of our greatest educators to the importance of this subject, and causing them, at least to some extent, to bestow that thought upon it which it deserves. Sentiment of late years, in the higher educational circles, seems to be changing in favor of a more liberal study of the sciences in preference to that of languages. The people of the present day demand an education which will both train their minds, and be of practical use to them in everyday life. They do not desire to live mentally, as it were, in the past, but want to be abreast with the great questions of the present day. The _Davidson Monthly_ deserves praise for the attention it shows to the Alumni column. Its essays, however, are long and lifeless, and its pride in the possession of a “cow-boy” is most too patent. THE ARCHIVE tenders welcome to _The Morning Star_, Carlisle, Pa., and _The Binghamite_, both of which have been received just on the eve of going to press. They are cordially entered upon THE ARCHIVE exchange list. Locals. ════════════════════════════════════ D. C. BRANSON, _Hes._, } } REPORTERS. J. C. MONTGOMERY, _C._, } ════════════════════════════════════ Subscribe for THE ARCHIVE. One hundred and thirty-seven students now on the roll. Ten Seniors this year. New faces are still seen making their way to the President’s office. Miss Laura Makepeace, of Patterson, N. J., spent a few days with Mrs. Nannie Craven. If you receive THE ARCHIVE and are not a subscriber, consider it a personal invitation and subscribe. The Marshals and Managers will hereafter be elected by their societies. This is a decided improvement. Mr. W. H. Robbins left on Thursday, Sept. 17th, for Winston. In a few weeks, he will leave for Tennessee, to travel for the firm of H. H. Reynolds & Co. President Crowell left on Friday night, Sept. 16th, for Reading, and, after spending a few days, returned with Mrs. Crowell. A delightful entertainment was given on Saturday evening, the 19th ult., by the ladies of this place, for church purposes. It was the most enjoyable affair we have seen in some time. President Crowell gives a series of lectures on every Monday evening on Political Economy, and on Thursday evening on the Gospel of St. John. The public are invited. President Crowell received recently a large box of minerals for the Museum. They were presented by J. Remfrey, Esq. On the night of Sept. 23d, Mr. Clarence Watkins fell out of the window of his room, which is on the third floor of the college building, and broke both arms. He received no internal injuries, and from present indications will be entirely well in a few weeks. Nature will provide for her children. As the apples are leaving, the turnips and “tatoes” are coming in (in the pillow-slips.) Prof. Gannaway informed us, and he is undoubtedly correct, that Trinity was the only Southern college which was not closed during the late war. Some think the Opossum is destroying a great many chickens for our beloved boarding-house keepers and neighbors. We don’t know what others think. A bed in a student’s room at the Hundley House caught fire recently, causing general panic for a short time and covering the neighborhood with feathers. All available room in Trinity is now in demand and more boarding houses will soon be a necessity. This is encouraging. J. Hathcock, of last year’s graduating class, has been appointed instructor in the Preparatory department, a selection which pleases all, especially the “preps.” The libraries of the two societies have been combined and will be placed in the old chapel for the present. In connection with these, a reading room will be established. A young junior of matrimonial inclinations is in trouble and refuses to be comforted. What shall we do with him? Miss Susie Fields, of Leaksville, N. C., who has been visiting at Prof. Gannaway’s, returned home last week, accompanied by Miss Mamie Gannaway. During her stay with us, Miss Fields made many friends, who hope she may return in the near future. In Trinity, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 18, at 7:30 o’clock, in the chapel, Mr. James Robbins was married to Miss Minnie Edwards. The spacious church was packed to overflowing with the many friends of the happy pair. The couple left on the evening train for Raleigh where they will spend a few days. THE ARCHIVE extends its congratulations. Miss Ida Shell, daughter of the late Rev. Lemon Shell, died in Trinity on the night of Oct. 18th. There is in the library here a curiosity in the shape of a large German Bible, three hundred years old, with huge wooden backs and grotesque wood-cut illustrations, also pictures of Luther and his family on the frontispiece. It is said to be the oldest book in the State. Mrs. Jno. W. Young, of Portsmouth, Va., and daughters, Misses Bessie, Mamie and India, have been spending the summer in Trinity. The Misses Young are well known here and their many friends will be sorry to hear that they will leave in a few days. As the Base Ball season has about expired, the Foot Ball, otherwise known as “the Shin Braker,” has immediately taken its place. Every afternoon, interesting games are played on the campus. It is good exercise and there is no danger whatever, if one will keep out of the way. Boom the new building! All the old boys are called upon to help on the enterprise. Circulars will be scattered broadcast as soon as the committee has ratified the plan. The students are full of enthusiasm and determination. Alumni. ══════════════════════════════════════ E. L. MOFFITT, _Hesperian_, } } EDITORS. W. H. RHODES, _Columbian_, } ══════════════════════════════════════ —Information concerning Alumni or former students is Respectfully requested. —Hon. B. F. Long, of Statesville, ’74, is Solicitor of the eighth district. —Andrew L. Wynn, ’84. is now at the University of Maryland studying medicine. —Mike Bradshaw, ’78, is editor of the _Asheboro Courier_, and one of Randolph’s rising young lawyers. —J. R. Overman, ’87, is principal of the Woodland Academy. He opened with a large number of students. —W. P. Andrews, ’87, is an assistant teacher in the Norwood High School, of which his father, Maj. L. D. Andrews is principal. —W. E. Fentress, ’87, is teaching at Pleasant Garden Academy in Guilford county, and reports that he is meeting with success. —Hon. E. T. Boykin, ’74, who made his own way through college in the face of difficulties, is one of the youngest and most popular Superior Court Judges in the State. —H. L. Coble, ’84, is principal of the Shiloh Academy in Randolph. He is a very successful teacher, and his prospects for a good and permanent school are encouraging. C. N. Mason, ’78, is practising medicine at Harlowe, N. C. He is also Superintendent of public schools of Carteret. The good judgment of the people of that county, in selecting a man so efficient, is to be commended. —G. O. Andrews, ’86, is City editor of _The Daily Hot Blast_, a paper published in Anniston, Alabama, and owned by a wealthy stock company. It has the largest circulation of any daily in the State. Greek is a good writer, and will certainly succeed in his chosen profession. —B. C. Beckwith, ’83, belongs to the legal profession. He is located in Raleigh where he has been practicing law for three years. During this time, he has held several positions in the State government, and is now Secretary of the State Democratic Executive Committee. —R. A. Whitaker, ’82, after receiving the degree of M. D. in Baltimore, located in Trenton, where he has an extensive practice. While at Trinity, he met one of Virginia’s fair daughters, and, soon after completing his medical course, he chose her to share his fortune through life. Misses Theresa, Persis, and Mary Giles, ’78, have founded a female college at Greenwood, S. C., where they have been teaching for several years. Five ladies constitute the faculty. The Misses Giles, having been educated at a male college, propose to offer their sex the advantages of higher education. —D. N. Farnell, ’82, after leaving Trinity, entered the Signal Service. In this capacity he was called to the principle cities of twenty-six States. He resigned his position at Rio Grande city, Texas. Since then, he has been at his home in Swansboro, N. C. He contemplates making a trip soon “to the far South.” —Hon. F. M. Simmons, ’73, is located in Newberne, and is one of the most brilliant and successful lawyers in eastern North Carolina. In 1886 he was elected to Congress in the second district, in which the opposite party have an overwhelming majority. It affords pleasure to see Trinity men coming to the front. —Frank P. Wyche, ’85, has chosen the honored profession of teaching, and now has a good school at Beaufort. We were glad to meet him at the Teachers’ Assembly at Morehead this summer. He is married and has a son that he expects to send to Trinity some time in the future. If all Trinity graduates would only remember her thus, what a glorious destiny would await our _Alma Mater_. —Dred. Peacock, ’87, is principal of the Lexington Female Institute. Notwithstanding the youthfulness of the institution, its present condition is flourishing, and its future prospects bright. He now has enrolled 70 pupils. Dred’s graduating day was the most eventful of his life. Not satisfied with receiving his share of the honors of his class, together with his diploma, he had conferred upon him the initiatory degree of wedded life. He married Miss Ella Carr of Trinity, an accomplished graduate of Greensboro Female College. May a full measure of success follow them in their new sphere. —J. Hathcock, ’87, is assistant teacher in the Preparatory department of Trinity College, and is taking a postgraduate course. —J. H. Scarboro, ’87, is teaching in the Middleburg Academy, formerly conducted by Mr. Anderson. The success of his school is assured by its large patronage. —Edgar Gannaway is one of our most enterprising farmers at Trinity. —W. D. Keech, ’83, is one of Tarboro’s many and successful merchants. —A. M. Stack, ’84, is a lawyer with good practice in Danbury, N. C. —Rev. C. W. Robinson, ’86, has joined the N. C. Conference, and is now engaged in the active ministry at Yanceyville. * * * * * Dike Book Co., OPPOSITE NATIONAL BANK, GREENSBORO, N. C. FINE Books _and_ Stationery OF ALL KINDS. _Sets of Books by Standard Authors._ For sale by sets or singly. Books of great value, including History, Biography, Poetry, Travels, &c., for young men and students, at low prices. _FULL LINE OF THE POETS._ Latest Publications of Lovell’s Library, Munro’s Library and others. * * * * * BROWN & MATTON, DRUGGISTS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, HIGH POINT, N. C. Invite the students and friends of Trinity College to examine their complete line of Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, and all articles usually found in a first-class drug store. * * * * * THE BEST. THE BEST. Holmes’ New Readers, Maury’s Geographies, and Holmes’ New History are recommended by the State Board of Education for exclusive use in the schools of North Carolina. Best books at lowest prices. Every school should have them. UNIVERSITY PUB. Co., 19 Murray St., NEW YORK. * * * * * —FALL OPENING!— R. J. LINDSAY & BRO., _High Point, N. C._ Popular Goods at Popular Prices. POSITIVELY BELOW COMPETITION. A full and complete assortment of Domestic Dry Goods, Dress Goods, _Trimmings, Hosiery, and Underwear_, Linens, Towels, Napkins and Blankets. A Full Line of Mens’, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing at special low prices. Hats, Caps, and Gents’ Furnishings. Shoes for everybody of the most celebrated makes. Ziegler Brothers’ Fine Shoes a specialty. Umbrellas, Carpets, Oil Cloths, to all of which we respectfully solicit a visit of inspection. * * * * * MOFFITT & BRADSHAW, Pharmacists and Druggists, _HIGH POINT, N. C._ Complete and reliable stock always on hand of _PURE DRUGS_, _Perfumeries_, _Toilet and Fancy Articles_, _Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco_. Students give us a trial. We are sure we can please you. * * * * * FRIENDS OF TRINITY, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TRINITY ARCHIVE. $1.00 per year. Business friends send us Advertisements. * * * * * TRINITY COLLEGE, TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C., U. S. A. FACULTY.—Separate chairs in History and Political Economy, Latin and French, English and German, Greek and Metaphysics, the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering, Business and Pedagogy. DEPARTMENTS.—_Collegiate_, leading to Degrees of A. B. and Ph. B. _Preparatory_, preparing for admission to college. _Business_, five months’ training for business life. _Post-Graduate_, advanced studies beyond graduation. _Pedagogics_, lectures and special work for teachers. _Theological_, preparatory training for the Christian Ministry. EXPENSES.—_Tuition_, $3 to $5 per month. _Board_, $8 to $12 per month. Tuition should be paid in advance, and books at the time of purchase. SPECIAL LECTURES are given weekly to all who may wish to attend, free of extra charge, on topics of interest. The lecture program of prominent speakers for the weeks will be announced later. EXAMINATIONS.—Examinations in course are held twice a year or at the completion of any particular subject. Examinations for admission to college in 1888 to any of the regular classes will be held in June on the day following Commencement, and in September on the day before the opening of college. Students are admitted to the Preparatory and Business Departments without examination, but to no other. The requisites for admission to the Freshman class in 1888 are Arithmetic, including the Metric System; Algebra to Quadratics; U. S. History; English Grammar and Analysis; Geography, Descriptive and Physical; Natural Sciences, Physiology and Hygiene; Latin, three Books of Cæsar and Latin Grammar, including Prosody. An extra year’s work in Latin and Greek will be required for admission in 1889 to the classical course only (A. B. degree.) LOCATION.—In Randolph county. Reached _via_ High Point, N. C., over the Piedmont Air Line. Healthfulness and quiet location render it peculiarly safe and well adapted to the education of youth and young men. INFORMATION.—Special circulars issued quarterly, and the regular annual catalogue will be sent or any desired information given respecting the Institution, upon application to JOHN F. CROWELL, A. B. (Yale), _President_. * * * * * GET THE BEST. WM. PARTRIDGE, HIGH POINT, N. C., Keeps the best stock of Boots, Shoes and Hats THE PRICES FIT YOUR POCKET. THE GOODS FIT YOUR FEET. One trial will convince you that we have the largest stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS To select from in town. _WM. PARTRIDGE_, _Boot, Shoe and Hat Store._ * * * * * WRENN BROS., Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, _High Point, N. C._ AGENTS FOR _Gold and Silver Shirt and Collar Co._, ZIEGLER’S SHOES, _Wannamaker & Brown_. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES 1. Silently corrected typographical errors and variations in spelling. 2. Retained anachronistic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings as printed. 3. Enclosed italics font in _underscores_. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Trinity Archive (Vol. I, No. 1), by Trinity College *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 60351 ***