This is the August 2003 Project Gutenberg CD. It contains about 600 eBooks, including many favorites. The CD file is an ISO image, suitable for burning to a blank DVD. Please use a checksum (included with files in this directory) to confirm the file's integrity. There are several different files to choose from: PG2003-08.ISO The CD image The CD image, zipped The contents of the CD, zipped (not an ISO) These different checksums can let you confirm the integrity of the files you download (the filename extention is the name of the checksum): The WinRAR program (for Windows computers) can be used to reassemble the files in the "PG2003-08-parts" directory to make the ISO. This might be a good solution if you have trouble downloading the .ISO without errors. See the CD project page for further information, including the possibility of using peer to peer transfer, BitTorrent, and other options to get the DVD and CD images.