TURING Turing is a new, fast, stream cipher. It is experimental, and may or may not be secure. Version 1.8 (of TuringRef.c) should be considered to define the cipher. Turing.tgz is a gzipped tar archive of the various implementations. Note that I use 8-character tabs but a 4-character indent. Included are a generic test harness, a reference implementation, a faster implementation using table lookups, a very fast implementation using all inline code, and an intermediate version that uses lazy evaluation to fill the Sbox tables (both key agile and reasonably fast). TuringPres.pdf is the full presentation originally prepared for the rump session of Crypto2002 (27 slides, only 1 of which was shown). It's been updated to be consistent with the source code. Turing.pdf is a full paper about the final design. (Accepted to Fast Software Encryption 2003.) The Turing homepage is located at: http://www.qualcomm.com.au/Turing.html