The project "Blowfish for C#" is fairly new and kind of as young as the new, modern .NET environment. Right now it consists of an ECB and a CBC implementation, an applied string encryption class plus a small test application. What is for sure today is the impressive speed, I'm measuring around 38 MB/s on my P4/1700MHz system. For your comfort there is an easy to use application class called BlowfishSimple, which is able to encrypt and decrypt single strings on the fly, including key verification. To build this software you have to get the .NET Framework SDK from and just type "nmake" to build the binaries. One of binaries is BlowfishTest.exe, the demo application. For comments, questions and suggestions please contact me via e-mail. Right now I have no licensing model planned for this software, so all rights are reserved. Copright (c) 2001/2002 Markus Hahn