If Hans should ever see this (aek 20240603) Subject: Hans Pufal's PDP-9/PDP-15 files Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 17:59:55 -0700 Several years ago, Hans Pufal of ACONIT was one of the people working on restoring a PDP-9 to working condition. In the course of the restoration, they found many DECtapes of PDP-9 and PDP-15 software, which he put up on some personal pages on the museum's web site. The pages are long gone, and the Internet WayBack Machine has only partial remains. In particular, the images of ADSS15 source DECtapes 2, 3, 7, 8, and 14 are missing, along with the .zip files for ADSS15 and DOS-15. Does anyone on the list have copies of these (especially the DECtape images)?