GNU Emacs major mode for editing Zephir code. Provides syntax highlighting, indentation, movement, Imenu and navigation support. Zephir -- is a high level language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP. Zephir extensions are exported to C code that can be compiled and optimized by major C compilers such as gcc/clang/vc++. Functionality is exposed to the PHP language. For more information see URL `'. ;; Subword Mode: GNU Emacs comes with `subword-mode', a minor mode that allows you to navigate the parts of a “camelCase” as if they were separate words. For example, Zephir Mode treats the variable “fooBarBaz” as a whole name by default. But if you enable `subword-mode' then Emacs will treat the variable name as three separate words, and therefore word-related commands (e.g. “M-f”, “M-b”, “M-d”, etc.) will only affect the “camelCase” part of the name under the cursor. If you want to always use `subword-mode' for Zephir files then you can add this to your Emacs configuration: (add-hook 'zephir-mode-hook #(lambda () (subword-mode 1))) ;; Imenu: There is a support to jump to namespaces, classes, functions, properties and constant declarations. ;; Movement: Move to the beginning or end of the current block with `beginning-of-defun' (“C-M-a”) and `end-of-defun' (“C-M-e”) respectively. ;; Indentation: Automatic indentation with indentation cycling is provided, it allows you to navigate different available levels of indentation by hitting “TAB” several times. There are two options to use auto-indentation when inserting newlines: 1) Enable the minor-mode `electric-indent-mode' (enabled by default) and use “RET”. If this mode is disabled use `newline-and-indent', bound to “C-j”. 2) Add the following hook in your init file: (add-hook 'zephir-mode-hook #'(lambda () (define-key zephir-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent))) The first option is prefered since you'll get the same behavior for all modes out-of-the-box. `zephir-indent-tabs-mode' can be changed to insert tabs for indentation in Zephir Mode. `zephir-indent-level' can be used to contol indentation level of Zephir statements. ;; Syntax checking: Presently flymake/flycheck support is NOT provided. ;; Support: Bug tracking is currently handled using the GitHub issue tracker at `'. Feel free to ask question or make suggestions in our issue tracker. ;; History: History is tracked in the Git repository rather than in this file. See URL `'. ;; Customize && Help: See “M-x apropos-command RET ^zephir- RET” for a list of all commands and “M-x customize-group RET zephir RET” for a list of customizable variables.