Version: 3.0.0 Package-Requires: ((emacs "24")) Keywords: convenience When point is in an empty line then fill the line with a character making it as long as the line above. This program provides just command =underline-with-char=. Examples ======== Notation: means point. Full underlining ................ Input: ^^^^^^ #+begin_src text lala #+end_src Action: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text M-x underline-with-char #+end_src Output: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text lala ---- #+end_src Partial underlining ................... Input: ^^^^^^ #+begin_src text ;; lolo ;; #+end_src Action: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text M-x underline-with-char #+end_src Output: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text ;; lolo ;; ---- #+end_src Use a certain char for current and subsequent underlinings .......................................................... Input: ^^^^^^ #+begin_src text lala #+end_src Action: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text C-u M-x underline-with-char X #+end_src Output: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text lala XXXX #+end_src Change the buffer. Example: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text lala XXXX ;; Worthy to be underlined ;; #+end_src Go on without prefix argument (C-u): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text M-x underline-with-char X #+end_src Output: ^^^^^^^ #+begin_src text lala XXXX ;; Worthy to be underlined ;; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #+end_src