Tumble is a mode for interacting with Tumblr inside Emacs. It currently provides the following functions: tumble-text-from-region Posts the selected region as a "Text". tumble-text-from-buffer Posts the current buffer as a "Text". tumble-quote-from-region Posts the current region as a "Quote". Prompts for an optional "source" parameter. tumble-link Prompts for a title and a URL for a new "Link". tumble-link-with-description Prompts for a title and a URL for a new "Link" and uses the selected region as the link's description. tumble-chat-from-region Posts the selected region as a "Chat". tumble-chat-from-buffer Posts the current buffer as a "Chat". tumble-photo-from-url Prompts for a file URL, a caption and a clickthrough and posts the result as a "Photo". tumble-photo-from-file Prompts for a local file, a caption and a clickthrough and posts the result as a Photo. tumble-audio Prompts for a local file and an optional caption to upload a MP3 file. tumble-video-from-url Prompts for an embed code and an optional caption to post a video to Tumblr. A word of caution: Audio files can take a while to upload and will probably freeze your Emacs until it finishes uploading. You can always find the latest version of Tumble at: http://github.com/febuiles/tumble Installation: Download Tumble to some directory: $ git clone git://github.com/febuiles/tumble.git Add it to your load list and require it: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/some_directory/tumble") (require 'tumble) Optional: Open tumble.el (this file) and modify the following variables: (setq tumble-email "your_email@something.com") (setq tumble-password "your_password") (setq tumble-url "your_tumblelog.tumblr.com") Tumble uses no group for posting and Markdown as the default format but you can change these: (setq tumble-group "your_group.tumblr.com") (setq tumble-format "html") You can also reset the Tumblr login credentials by calling: tumble-reset-credentials