Popwin makes you free from the hell of annoying buffers such like *Help*, *Completions*, *compilation*, and etc. To use popwin, just add the following code into your .emacs: (require 'popwin) (popwin-mode 1) Then try to show some buffer, for example *Help* or *Completeions*. Unlike standard behavior, their buffers may be shown in a popup window at the bottom of the frame. And you can close the popup window seamlessly by typing C-g or selecting other windows. `popwin:display-buffer' displays special buffers in a popup window and displays normal buffers as unsual. Special buffers are specified in `popwin:special-display-config', which tells popwin how to display such buffers. See docstring of `popwin:special-display-config' for more information. The default width/height/position of popup window can be changed by setting `popwin:popup-window-width', `popwin:popup-window-height', and `popwin:popup-window-position'. You can also change the behavior for a specific buffer. See docstring of `popwin:special-display-config'. If you want to use some useful commands such like `popwin:popup-buffer' and `popwin:find-file' easily. You may bind `popwin:keymap' to `C-z', for example, like: (global-set-key (kbd "C-z") popwin:keymap) See also `popwin:keymap' documentation. Enjoy!