______________ PINYINLIB.EL Junpeng Qiu ______________ Table of Contents _________________ 1 Functions .. 1.1 `pinyinlib-build-regexp-char' .. 1.2 `pinyinlib-build-regexp-string' 2 Packages that Use This Library 3 Acknowledgment 4 Contribute Library for converting first letter of Pinyin to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters. 1 Functions =========== 1.1 `pinyinlib-build-regexp-char' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `pinyinlib-build-regexp-char' converts a letter to a regular expression containing all the Chinese characters whose pinyins start with the letter. It accepts four parameters: ,---- | char &optional no-punc-p tranditional-p only-chinese-p `---- The first parameter `char' is the letter to be converted. The latter three parameters are optional. - If `no-punc-p' is `t': it will not convert English punctuations to Chinese punctuations. - If `traditional-p' is `t': traditional Chinese characters are used instead of simplified Chinese characters. - If `only-chinese-p' is `t': the resulting regular expression doesn't contain the English letter `char'. When converting English punctuactions to Chinese/English punctuations, it uses the following table: English Punctuation Chinese & English Punctuations ----------------------------------------------------- . 。. , ,, ? ?? : :: ! !! ; ;; \\ 、\\ ( (( ) )) < 《< > 》> ~ ~~ ' ‘’「」' " “”『』\" * ×* $ ¥$ 1.2 `pinyinlib-build-regexp-string' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is same as `pinyinlib-build-regexp-char', except that its first parameter is a string so that it can convert a sequence of letters to a regular expression. 2 Packages that Use This Library ================================ - [ace-pinyin] - [evil-find-char-pinyin] [ace-pinyin] https://github.com/cute-jumper/ace-pinyin [evil-find-char-pinyin] https://github.com/cute-jumper/evil-find-char-pinyin 3 Acknowledgment ================ - The ASCII char to Chinese character table(`pinyinlib--simplified-char-table' in code) is from [https://github.com/redguardtoo/find-by-pinyin-dired]. - @erstern adds the table for traditional Chinese characters. 4 Contribute ============ Contributions are always welcome. If you want to add some common pinyin related functions that might be useful for other packages, please send me a PR.