phi-search-mc.el provides the following interactive commands: * phi-search-mc/mark-here * phi-search-mc/mark-forward * phi-search-mc/mark-backward * phi-search-mc/mark-all These functions serve as great way to add fake cursors at your desired points using phi-search. * phi-search-from-isearch * phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-next * phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-previous * phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-all Run the following line to rebind `mc/mark-next-like-this', `mc/mark-previous-like-this' and `mc/mark-all-like-this' in phi-search buffer to `phi-search-mc/mark-next', `phi-search-mc/mark-previous' and `phi-search-mc/mark-all', respectively. ; (phi-search-mc/setup-keys) Run the following line to bind `phi-search', `mc/mark-next-like-this', `mc/mark-previous-like-this' and `mc/mark-all-like-this' in isearch mode to `phi-search-from-isearch', `phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-next', `phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-previous' and `phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-all', respectively. (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook 'phi-search-from-isearch-mc/setup-keys) If you have bound multi-stroke keys to `mc/mark-next-like-this' etc., this may not be enough. For example, I bound [C->]/[C-<]/[C-. !] to mc/mark-* functions, and since they are complex multi-stroke keys on my terminal emulator where [C->] is mapped to [C-x @ c >] etc., I had to add the following lines for the features to work properly. (defvar phi-search-from-isearch-mc/ctl-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd ">") 'phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-next) (define-key map (kbd "<") 'phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-previous) (define-key map (kbd ". !") 'phi-search-from-isearch-mc/mark-all) map)) (defadvice phi-search-from-isearch-mc/setup-keys (after for-terminal activate) (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-x @ c") phi-search-from-isearch-mc/ctl-map))