Highlight things at point, selections, enclosing parentheses with different colors. Fix grumbling issue of highlights being overridden by `hl-line-mode' and `global-hl-line-mode'. Of course, there're more advanced features: * Save highlights and restore them next time Emacs opened. * Select highlighted things smartly and search forwardly or backwardly. * Assign highlighting specific faces which makes them always on the top of current line highlight. * More... Check official website for details: https://github.com/boyw165/hl-anything Usage: ------ M-x `hl-highlight-thingatpt-local' Toggle highlight locally in current buffer. M-x `hl-highlight-thingatpt-global' Toggle highlight globally in all buffers. M-x `hl-unhighlight-all-local' M-x `hl-unhighlight-all-global' Remove all highlights. M-x `hl-save-highlights' M-x `hl-restore-highlights' Save & Restore highlights. M-x `hl-find-next-thing' M-x `hl-find-prev-thing' Search highlights. M-x `hl-paren-mode' Enable enclosing parenethese highlighting. TODO: ----- * Advise `self-insert-command'??? * Highlight enclosing syntax in REGEXP. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;