The below is generated from a README at Search massive codebases extremely fast, using `ripgrep' and `helm'. Inspired by `helm-ag' and `f3'. Also check out rg.el, which I haven't used much but seems pretty cool. Usage: *See the `ripgrep' whirlwind tour for further information on invoking `ripgrep'.* - Invoke the interactive function `helm-rg' to start a search with `ripgrep' in the current directory. - `helm' is used to browse the results and update the output as you type. - Each line has the file path, the line number, and the column number of the start of the match, and each part is highlighted differently. - Use 'TAB' to invoke the helm persistent action, which previews the result and highlights the matched text in the preview. - Use 'RET' to visit the file containing the result, move point to the start of the match, and recenter. - The text entered into the minibuffer is interpreted as a PCRE regexp which `ripgrep' uses to search your files. - Use 'M-d' to select a new directory to search from. - Use 'M-g' to input a glob pattern to filter files by, e.g. `*.py'. - The glob pattern defaults to the value of `helm-rg-default-glob-string', which is an empty string (matches every file) unless you customize it. - Pressing 'M-g' again shows the same minibuffer prompt for the glob pattern, with the string that was previously input. TODO: - make a keybinding to move by files (go to next file of results) - also one to move by containing directory - make a keybinding to drop into an edit mode and edit file content inline in results like helm-ag License: GPL 3.0+ End Commentary