_____________ GITTER.EL Chunyang Xu _____________ Table of Contents _________________ 1 Prerequisites 2 Install .. 2.1 Melpa .. 2.2 Manually 3 Setup 4 Usage 5 Customization .. 5.1 Emoji 6 Limitation 7 To do [[https://melpa.org/packages/gitter-badge.svg]] [[https://travis-ci.org/xuchunyang/gitter.el.svg?branch=master]] [[https://badges.gitter.im/M-x-Gitter/Lobby.svg]] A [Gitter] client for [GNU Emacs]. [[https://melpa.org/packages/gitter-badge.svg]] https://melpa.org/#/gitter [[https://travis-ci.org/xuchunyang/gitter.el.svg?branch=master]] https://travis-ci.org/xuchunyang/gitter.el [[https://badges.gitter.im/M-x-Gitter/Lobby.svg]] https://gitter.im/M-x-Gitter/Lobby [Gitter] https://gitter.im/ [GNU Emacs] https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ 1 Prerequisites =============== - cURL - Emacs 24.1 or newer 2 Install ========= 2.1 Melpa ~~~~~~~~~ `gitter.el' is available from Melpa. After[setting up] Melpa as a repository and update the local package list, you can install `gitter.el' and its dependencies using `M-x package-install gitter'. [setting up] https://melpa.org/#/getting-started 2.2 Manually ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add gitter.el to your `load-path' and require. Something like: ,---- | (add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/gitter.el/") | (require 'gitter) `---- If you want to avoid loading `gitter.el' at Emacs startup, autoload the `gitter' command instead of requiring. 3 Setup ======= You need to set `gitter-token' to the authentication-token. Follow these steps to get your token: 1) Visit URL `[https://developer.gitter.im]' 2) Click Sign in (top right) 3) You will see your personal access token at URL `[https://developer.gitter.im/apps]' When you save this variable, DON'T WRITE IT ANYWHERE PUBLIC. ,---- | (setq gitter-token "your-token") `---- 4 Usage ======= Type `M-x gitter' to join a room and start chatting. 5 Customization =============== 5.1 Emoji ~~~~~~~~~ If you want to display Emoji, install [emojify] *or* [emoji-cheat-sheet-plus] *or* [company-emoji], they are all available from MELPA. You only need to install one of them, but if you install more than one of them, the priority is emojify > emoji-cheat-sheet-plus > company-emoji. [emojify] https://github.com/iqbalansari/emacs-emojify [emoji-cheat-sheet-plus] https://github.com/syl20bnr/emacs-emoji-cheat-sheet-plus [company-emoji] https://github.com/dunn/company-emoji 6 Limitation ============ If you are a serious Gitter user (I am not) and you compare this little program with other official Gitter clients, I guess you will probably be very disappointed: lack of functions and features, buggy etc, so now you have been warned. However, feedback, suggestion and patch are always welcome. By the way, Gitter provides [IRC access] and there are several well-known IRC clients for Emacs. [IRC access] https://irc.gitter.im/ 7 To do ======= - [ ] Markup message - plain link - Markdown link - Github-flavored Markdown image - @mention - Github #issue - Markdown inline code block (add syntax highlighting if it is possible and very easy) - Github-flavored fenced code block (add syntax highlighting if it has proper language tag) - Github-flavored indented with four spaces code block (prefer no syntax highlighting to avoiding guessing what language the code is in, I don't like guess) - etc