Manual Installation: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/gitconfig.el/") (require 'gitconfig) Interesting variables are: `gitconfig-git-command' The shell command for `gitconfig-buffer-name' Name of the output buffer. Interactive functions are: M-x gitconfig-execute-command Run with custom ARGUMENTS and display it in `gitconfig-buffer-name' Non-Interactive functions are: `gitconfig-current-inside-git-repository-p' Return t if `default-directory' is a git repository `gitconfig-path-to-git-repository' Return the absolute path of the current git repository `gitconfig-get-variables' Get all variables for the given LOCATION and return it as a hash table `gitconfig-set-variable' Set a specific LOCATION variable with a given NAME and VALUE `gitconfig-get-variable' Return a specific LOCATION variable for the given NAME `gitconfig-delete-variable' Delete a specific LOCATION variable for the given NAME `gitconfig-get-local-variables' Return all variables as hash table `gitconfig-get-global-variables' Return all variables as hash table `gitconfig-get-system-variables' Return all variables as hash table `gitconfig-get-local-variable' Return a specific variable by the given NAME `gitconfig-get-global-variable' Return a specific variable by the given NAME `gitconfig-get-system-variable' Return a specific variable by the given NAME