This program connects the database server through Perl's DBI, and provides DB-accessing API and the simple management UI. ; Installation: This program depends on following programs: - deferred.el, concurrent.el / - epc.el / - ctable.el / - Perl/CPAN - RPC::EPC::Service (and some dependent modules) - DBI and drivers, DBD::Sqlite, DBD::Pg, DBD::mysql Place this program (edbi.el and in your load path and add following code. (require 'edbi) Then, M-x `edbi:open-db-viewer' opens a dialog for DB connection. - Data Source : URI string for DBI::connect (Ex. dbi:SQLite:dbname=/path/db.sqlite ) - User Name, Auth : user name and password for DBI::connect - History button : you can choose a data source from your connection history. - OK button : connect DB and open the database view * Database view This buffer enumerates tables and views. Check the key-bind `edbi:dbview-keymap'. - j,k, n,p : navigation for rows - c : switch to query editor buffer - RET : show table data - SPC : show table definition - q : quit and disconnect * Table definition view This buffer shows the table definition information. Check the key-bind `edbi:dbview-table-keymap'. - j,k, n,p : navigation for rows - c : switch to query editor buffer - V : show table data - q : kill buffer * Query editor You can edit SQL in this buffer, which supports SQL syntax highlight and auto completion by auto-complete.el. Check the key-bind `edbi:sql-mode-map'. - C-c C-c : Execute SQL - C-c q : kill buffer - M-p : SQL history back - M-n : SQL history forward - C-c C-k : Clear buffer * Query result viewer You can browser the results for executed SQL. Check the key-bind `edbi:dbview-query-result-keymap'. - j,k, n,p : navigation for rows - q : kill buffer