Multiple commands are provided to grep files in the project to get auto complete candidates. The keyword to grep is text from the line beginning to current cursor. Project is *automatically* detected if Git/Mercurial/Subversion is used. You can override the project root by setting `eacl-project-root', List of commands, `eacl-complete-line' completes single line by grepping the project root. Line candidates are extracted from the files in the project root. "C-u M-x eacl-complete-line" completes single line from deleted code if current project is tracked by Git. `eacl-complete-multiline' completes multiline code or html tag. `eacl-complete-line-from-buffer' completes single line by searching text in the buffers. Set `eacl-ignore-buffers' and `eacl-include-buffers' to specify ignored&included buffers. `eacl-complete-line-from-buffer-or-project' completes one line by grepping the project root when editing a physical file. Or else, it completes one line by search all buffers. Modify `grep-find-ignored-directories' and `grep-find-ignored-files' to setup directories and files grep should ignore: (with-eval-after-load 'grep (dolist (v '("node_modules" "bower_components" ".sass_cache" ".cache" ".npm")) (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-directories v)) (dolist (v '("*.min.js" "*.bundle.js" "*.min.css" "*.json" "*.log")) (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-files v))) Or you can setup above ignore options in ".dir-locals.el". The content of ".dir-locals.el": ((nil . ((eval . (progn (dolist (v '("node_modules" "bower_components" ".sass_cache" ".cache" ".npm")) (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-directories v)) (dolist (v '("*.min.js" "*.bundle.js" "*.min.css" "*.json" "*.log")) (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-files v))))))) "git grep" is automatically used for grepping in git repository. Please note "git grep" does NOT use `grep-find-ignored-directories' OR `grep-find-ignored-files'. The command line program of grep and git need be added into environment variable "PATH". Or else you need set `eacl-grep-program' and `eacl-git-program' to specify their path. Set `eacl-git-grep-untracked' if untracked files should be git grepped too.