_____________ AVY-ZAP Junpeng Qiu _____________ Table of Contents _________________ 1 Setup 2 Usage 3 Customization 4 Compared to ace-jump-zap 5 Related packages Zap to char using [avy]. Note: The behaviors of the *dwim* function when called with prefix and without prefix are inverted now! By default(i.e. when the *dwim* function is called without prefix), the avy version will be used now! This package is basically a fork of the functionality of [ace-jump-zap], but using [avy] instead of [ace-jump-mode] as the jumping method. [avy] https://github.com/abo-abo/avy [ace-jump-zap] https://github.com/waymondo/ace-jump-zap [ace-jump-mode] https://github.com/winterTTr/ace-jump-mode 1 Setup ======= ,---- | (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/avy-zap.el") | (require 'avy-zap) `---- Recommendation: install `avy-zap' via [melpa]. [melpa] http://melpa.org 2 Usage ======= Use `avy-zap-to-char' or `avy-zap-up-to-char' to perform `zap-to-char' or `zap-up-to-char' in "avy-style"! There are two *Do-What-I-Mean* versions: `avy-zap-to-char-dwim' and `avy-zap-up-to-char-dwim'. `avy-zap-(up-)to-char-dwim' will perform `zap-(up-)to-char' with prefix. If calling *dwim* versions without prefix, then `avy-zap-(up-)to-char' will be used instead. The plain `zap-(up-)to-char' will also be used when you are defining or executing a macro. You can give key bindings to these commands. For example: ,---- | (global-set-key (kbd "M-z") 'avy-zap-to-char-dwim) | (global-set-key (kbd "M-Z") 'avy-zap-up-to-char-dwim) `---- 3 Customization =============== - `avy-zap-forward-only': Setting this variable to non-nil means zapping from the current point. The default value is `nil'. - `avy-zap-function': Choose between `kill-region' and `delete-region'. The default value is `kill-region'. 4 Compared to ace-jump-zap ========================== This package provides the same functionality as `ace-jump-zap', but lacks the `ajz/sort-by-closest' and `ajz/52-character-limit' customization options. I don't use the sorting feature of `ace-jump-zap', but if someone finds it useful, welcome to submit a pull request! 5 Related packages ================== - [ace-jump-zap] - [avy] [ace-jump-zap] https://github.com/waymondo/ace-jump-zap [avy] https://github.com/abo-abo/avy