Related global minor mode helps you to navigate across similarly named buffers. You might want to add the following code to your .emacs : (require 'related) (related-mode) Then use "C-x " to switch to next related buffer, and "C-x " to come back. If you are not happy with those key bindings, you might want to try something like this : (global-set-key (kbd "") 'related-switch-forward) (global-set-key (kbd "") 'related-switch-backward) You might also want to try related-switch-buffer, which prompts you for the next related buffer to go to, and integrates nicely with helm or ido (no default key binding here). Related derives from each buffer a hopefully meaningful "base name" and buffers with same "base name" form a group. Related helps you to navigate those groups. For example, buffers visiting the following files : /path/to/include/foo.h /path/to/source/foo.c /path/to/doc/ Would be grouped together (their names reduce to "foo"). Supposing you have dozens of opened buffers, and are working in "foo.h", Related helps you to cycle across "foo" buffers : Cycle "forward" with "C-x " : foo.h -> foo.c -> ^ | +-----------------+ And cycle "backward" with ""C-x " : foo.h <- foo.c <- | ^ +-----------------+ When deriving a "base name" from a buffer path, the following rules are applied : - Remove directories - Remove extensions - Remove non-alpha characters - Convert remaining characters to lower case Thus "/another/path/to/" would also reduce to "foo".