python-x extends the built-in `python-mode' (F. Gallina's) with several additional functions and behaviors inspired by `ess-mode' which are targeted to interactive code evaluation with an inferior Python process. Quick overview: Use `python-x-setup' in your Emacs startup: (python-x-setup) In any `python-mode' buffer use [C-c C-p] to start a new interpreter, then use [C-c C-c] to evaluate the current section. The default section delimiter is "# ---" but can be changed via `python-section-delimiter' to be similar to Spyder/Pyzo: (setq python-section-delimiter "##") See the `python-x' customization group for additional settings. Detailed documentation: python-x allows to evaluate code blocks using comments as delimiters (code "sections") or using arbitrarily nested folding marks. By default, a code section is delimited by comments starting with "# ---"; while folds are defined by "# {{{" and "# }}}" (see `python-shell-send-fold-or-section'). python-x installs an handler to show uncaught exceptions produced by interactive code evaluation by default. See `python-shell-show-exceptions' to control this behavior. The execution status of the inferior process is tracked in the modeline, in order to know when the evaluation is complete. The following functions are introduced: - `python-shell-send-line': evaluate and print the current line, accounting for statement and line continuations. - `python-shell-send-paragraph': evaluate the current paragraph. - `python-shell-send-region-or-paragraph': evaluate the current region when active, otherwise evaluate the current paragraph. - `python-shell-send-fold-or-section': evaluate the region defined by the current code fold or section. - `python-shell-send-dwim': evaluate the region when active, otherwise revert to the current fold or section. - `python-shell-print-region-or-symbol': evaluate and print the current region or symbol at point, displaying the inferior process output. - `python-shell-display-shell': Display the inferior Python process output in another window. - `python-shell-switch-to-shell-or-buffer': Switch between the buffer and the inferior (cycling command). - `python-shell-restart-process': Restart the inferior Python process. - `python-forward-fold-or-section': Move forward by fold/sections. - `python-backward-fold-or-section': Move backward by fold/sections. - `python-mark-fold-or-section': Mark current fold or section. - `python-eldoc-for-region-or-symbol': Summary help for the active region or symbol at point. - `python-help-for-region-or-symbol': Display full help for the active region or symbol at point. All "python-shell-send-*" functions are also provided in a "*-and-step" variant that moves the point after evaluation. python-x uses `volatile-highlights', when available, for highlighting multi-line blocks. Installation through "melpa" is recommended (you don't actually need to enable `volatile-highlights-mode' itself). python-x also uses `folding' to interpret and define folding marks. Again, `folding-mode' needs to be enabled manually if code folding is also desired. `expand-region' is equally supported, when previously loaded. The default keyboard map definition set by (python-x-setup) is currently tuned to the author's taste, and may change over time. You are encouraged to look at the definition of `python-x-setup' and derive your own.