Description: prosjekt is a simple software project management tool. A project in prosjekt comprises 1) a top-level directory, 2) a collection of files belonging to the project, and 3) a set of commands that can be executed. For more details, see the project page at Installation: Copy prosjekt.el to some location in your emacs load path. Then add "(require 'prosjekt)" to your emacs initialization (.emacs, init.el, or something). Installation (anything integration): Prosjekt comes with integration with anything ( To enable this, copy anything-prosjekt.el to your emacs load path. Then add "(require 'anything-prosjekt)" to you emacs initialization. This provides the anything sources "anything-c-source-prosjekt-files" and "anything-c-source-prosjekt-projects". Example config: (require 'prosjekt) (require 'anything-prosjekt) (require 'anything) (add-to-list 'anything-sources 'anything-c-source-prosjekt-files t) (add-to-list 'anything-sources 'anything-c-source-prosjekt-projects t) Tool descriptions: The ":tools" section of a project defines commands which are associated with the project. Each tool has a name, a function run for the tool, an optional sequence of keybindings. A tool description looks like this: ((:name . "name of tool") (:command ...tool function...)) (:keys ...list of keybinding...)) for example: ((:name . "git status") (:command git-status) (:keys "[f5]"))