prescient.el is a general-purpose library for sorting and filtering candidates. The algorithm of prescient.el is very simple. You enter a query, or multiple queries separated by spaces (two spaces match a literal space), and each query filters the candidates by matching either a substring (e.g. "scient" matches "prescient-frequency-threshold") or initialism (e.g. "ft" also matches the same). Then, candidates are sorted to prioritize recently chosen candidates, followed by frequently chosen candidates, with the remaining candidates sorted by length. prescient.el aims to replace a number of other packages, including IDO, Smex, Flx, Historian, and Company-Statistics. It also replaces the sorting and filtering functionalities of completion frameworks such as Helm and Ivy. To use prescient.el for Ivy, see ivy-prescient.el. To use prescient.el for Company, see company-prescient.el. In either case, you will most likely want your usage statistics to be saved across Emacs sessions; to do this, enable `prescient-persist-mode' in your init-file or interactively. For more information, see