; ellit-org: commentary #+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil #+TITLE: multitran.el #+STARTUP: showall #+BEGIN_QUOTE This file is automatically generated from {{{ellit-filename(verbatim)}}} by [[https://github.com/zevlg/ellit-org.el][GitHub#ellit-org.el]] tool. Do not edit manually. #+END_QUOTE =multitran.el= is a zero-dependancy interface to http://multitran.com online dictionary. =multitran.el= supports *tons* of languages, including such languages as: Esperanto, Latin and Luxembourgish. See [[https://www.multitran.com/m.exe?a=1&all=32][full languages list]], and feel free to add new languages to `multitran-languages-alist' if you missing one. Use {{{kbd(M-x multitran RET)}}} to get the translation for the word at point. Specify {{{kbd(C-u)}}} prefix arg to interactively select translation languages. * Installing Install from [[http://melpa.org][MELPA]] using {{{kbd(M-x package-install RET multitran RET)}}}. Make sure your MELPA package archive is up-to-date with {{{kbd(M-x package-refresh-contents RET)}}}