* IVS Editing Tool for Emacs This file provides various IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) editing tools for Emacs. IVS represents variations of CJK Ideogrpaphs. For details, please refer Unicode Technical Standard #37 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr37/). Data file "IVD_Sequences.txt", integrated into this tool, is distributed from http://www.unicode.org/ivd. ** Supported Emacsen Currenty, Emacs for X-Windows (with `libotf' linked) and Emacs Mac Port (with Yamamoto Mituharu patch, see https://github.com/railwaycat/emacs-mac-port for details) support IVS. ** Supported Fonts Most of recent Adobe-Japan1 fonts support `Adobe-Japan1' IVD collection. Hanazono Mincho (http://fonts.jp/hanazono/) supports `Hanyo-Denshi' IVD collection. `Moji_Joho' collection shares some sequences with `Hanyo-Denshi' collection. ** Basic setup : (autoload 'ivs-edit "ivs-edit" nil t) ; if necessary : (global-set-key (kbd "M-J") 'ivs-edit) ; sample keybinding : (setq ivs-edit-preferred-collections '(Adobe-Japan1)) ; if you only use Adobe-Japan1 IVD. ** Inserting and Checking IVS characters Executing `M-x ivs-edit' (or pressing `M-J' if configured as above) on Kanji character will show, and replace to, a series of IVS. If executed on IVS, the collection name and the ID of IVS will be displayed in minibuffer. ** Converting to/from TeX representation of IVS `ivs-edit-aj1-to-tex-region' and `ivs-edit-tex-to-aj1-region' can convert IVS to pLaTeX CID command and vice versa. XeLaTeX supports IVS natively. ** Converting Japanese Kanji to Old Style `ivs-edit-old-style-region' convert Japanese Kanji to its old style with Adobe-Japan1 IVS. ** Highlighting non-AJ1 Kanji characters. `M-x ivs-edit-highlight-non-aj1' highlights non-AJ1 Kanji characters. This feature is useful for writing text for e-Book readers which only supports Adobe-Japan1 characters.