A package to integrate GNU Global source code tagging system (http://www.gnu.org/software/global) with Emacs. Usage: `ggtags' is similar to the standard `etags' package. These keys `M-.', `M-,' and `C-M-.' should work as expected in `ggtags-mode'. See the README in https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags for more details. All commands are available from the `Ggtags' menu in `ggtags-mode'. ; NEWS 0.8.13 (2018-07-25): - Don't choke on tag names start with `-'. - `ggtags-show-definition' supports `ggtags-sort-by-nearness'. - New variable `ggtags-extra-args'. - Unbreak `ggtags-sort-by-nearness'. See full NEWS on https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags#news