This code contains a command, called `findr', which allows you to search for a file breadth-first. This works on UNIX, Windows, and over the network, using efs and ange-ftp. It's pretty quick, and (at times) is a better and easier alternative to other mechanisms of finding nested files, when you've forgotten where they are. You pass `findr' a regexp, which must match the file you're looking for, and a directory, and then it just does its thing: M-x findr ^my-lib.p[lm]$ c:/ If called interactively, findr will prompt the user for opening the found file(s). Regardless, it will continue to search, until either the search is complete or the user quits the search. Regardless of the exit (natural or user-invoked), a findr will return a list of found matches. Two other entrypoints let you to act on regexps within the files: `findr-search' to search `findr-query-replace' to replace ; Installation: (autoload 'findr "findr" "Find file name." t) (define-key global-map [(meta control S)] 'findr) (autoload 'findr-search "findr" "Find text in files." t) (define-key global-map [(meta control s)] 'findr-search) (autoload 'findr-query-replace "findr" "Replace text in files." t) (define-key global-map [(meta control r)] 'findr-query-replace) Change Log: 0.1: Added prompt to open file, if uses so chooses, following request and code example from Thomas Plass. 0.2: Made `findr' not stop after the first match, based on the request by Thomas Plass. Also, fixed a minor bug where findr was finding additional files that were not correct matches, based on `file-relative-name' misuse (I had to add the 2nd arg to it). 0.3: Added a `sit-for' for redisplay reasons. Modifications as suggested by RMS: e.g. docstring. 0.4 Added `findr-query-replace', courtesy of Dan Nelsen. 0.5 Fixed spelling and minor bug in `findr-query-replace' when non-byte-compiled. 0.6 : From: David Bakhash ( Subject: Re: latest version of findr.el (5) Date: 1999/07/31 Courtesy of Dan Nelsen, this version has search-and-replace capabilities. it's still a bit experimental, so I wouldn't expect too much of it. But it hasn't been tested yet for friendly behavior. The function `findr-query-replace' wasn't working unless you byte-compile the file. But, since findr is really designed for speed, that's not a bad thing (i.e. it forces you to byte-compile it). It's as simple as: M-x byte-compile-file /path/to/findr.el anyhow, I think it should work now. dave 0.7: Added `findr-search', broke `findr' by Patrick Anderson 0.8: fixed 0.7 breakage by Patrick Anderson 0.9: Added customize variables, added file/directory filter regexp minibuffer history by 0.9.1: Updated date at the top of the file, added .svn filter 0.9.2: Added support for skipping symlinks by 0.9.3: Smarter minibuffer handling by 0.9.4: Better handle symlinks by 0.9.5: Collect resolved files in the result by 0.9.6: Use a seen hashtable to deal with circles through symlinks by 0.9.7: Fix wrong calls to message by Michael Heerdegen 0.9.8: Fix 'symbol-calue' typo in non-exposed code path by Michael Heerdegen 0.9.9: Call message less frequent by 0.9.10: match findr-skip-directory-regexp agaisnt the whole path by 0.9.11: Fix header line to use ELPA-compliant triple dash by Steve Purcell