For hardline Luddite editing! Feebleline removes the modeline and replaces it with a slimmer proxy version, which displays some basic information in the echo area instead. This information is only displayed if the echo area is not used for anything else (but if you switch frame/window, it will replace whatever message is currently displayed). Feebleline now has a much improved customization interface. Simply set feebleline-msg-functions to whatever you want! Example: (setq feebleline-msg-functions '((feebleline-line-number) (feebleline-column-number) (feebleline-file-directory) (feebleline-file-or-buffer-name) (feebleline-file-modified-star) (magit-get-current-branch) (projectile-project-name))) The elements should be functions, accepting no arguments, returning either nil or a valid string. Even lambda functions work (but don't forget to quote them). Optionally, you can include keywords after each function, like so: (feebleline-line-number :post "" :fmt "%5s") Accepted keys are pre, post, face, fmt and align. See source code for inspiration.