emamux-ruby-test makes you test ruby file with emamux. This package is inspired by vimux-ruby-test. To use emamux-ruby-test, add the following code into your init.el or .emacs: (require 'emamux-ruby-test) (global-emamux-ruby-test-mode) To use emamux-ruby-test with specific mode only, add folowing: (require 'emamux-ruby-test) (add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'emamux-ruby-test-mode) emamux-ruby-test provides following commands: Run all tests/specs in the current project C-c r T --- emamux-ruby-test:run-all Run all tests/specs in the current file C-c r t --- emamux-ruby-test:run-current-test Load ruby console dependent of current project type C-c r c --- emamux-ruby-test:run-console Run focused test/spec in test framework specific tool C-c r . --- emamux-ruby-test:run-focused-test Run focused class/context in test framework specific tool C-c r , --- emamux-ruby-test:run-focused-goal Close test pane C-c r k --- emamux:close-runner-pane Visit test pane in copy mode C-c r j --- emamux:inspect-runner