Extension to Edebug to make it a little nicer to work with. Breakpoints can now be toggled from an Elisp buffer without first running Edebug with `edebug-x-modify-breakpoint-wrapper', bound to `C-x SPC'. If the function isn't instrumented already then it will instrument it and then set the breakpoint. Conditional breakpoints can also be set by calling the previous command with a prefix argument. The list of current break points can be viewed with `edebug-x-show-breakpoints', bound to `C-c C-x b'. From the tabulated list buffer the following commands are available: `edebug-x-kill-breakpoint' bound to `K': clear breakpoint `edebug-x-visit-breakpoint' bound to `RET': visit breakpoint location To view a list of instrumented functions execute `C-c C-x i', `edebug-x-show-instrumented'. The instrumented functions buffer has these commands: `edebug-x-evaluate-function' bound to `E': evaluate function, clearing breakpoints within it. `edebug-x-find-function' bound to `RET': jump to function. There is also a convenience command, `edebug-x-show-data' (bound to `C-c C-x s') which will split the window into two showing both the breakpoints and instrumented function buffers. Executing `Q' will remove both these buffers.