doomemacs/themes is an megapack of popular themes, including aesthetic extensions for popular packages. Themes in this pack: - doom-1337 -- ported from VSCode's 1337 theme (ported by @ccmywish) - doom-acario-dark -- an original dark theme (ported by @gagbo) - doom-acario-light -- an original light theme (ported by @gagbo) - doom-ayu-dark -- inspired by Ayu Dark (ported by @ashton) - doom-ayu-light -- inspirted by Ayu Light (ported by @LoveSponge) - doom-ayu-mirage -- inspired by Ayu Mirage (ported by @LoveSponge) - doom-badger -- inspired by cann's Badger colorscheme (ported by @jsoa) - doom-challenger-deep -- inspired by Vim's Challenger Deep theme (ported by @fuxialexander) - doom-city-lights -- inspired by Atom's City Lights theme (ported by @fuxialexander) - doom-dark+ -- ported from equinusocio's VSCode Theme, dark+ (ported by @ema2159) - doom-dracula -- inspired by the popular Dracula theme (ported by @fuxialexander) - doom-earl-grey -- a gentle color scheme, for code (ported by @JuneKelly) - doom-ephemeral -- inspired by the Ephemeral Theme from elenapan's dotfiles (ported by @karetsu) - doom-fairy-floss -- a candy colored theme by sailorhg (ported by @ema2159) - doom-feather-dark -- a purple-tinted theme, inspired by doom-one (by @Plunne) - doom-feather-light -- a light variable of feather-dark, inspired by doom-one (by @Plunne) - doom-flatwhite -- inspired by Atom's Flatwhite Syntax theme (ported by @JuneKelly) - doom-gruvbox -- inspired by morhetz's Gruvbox (ported by @JongW) - doom-gruvbox-light -- inspired by morhetz's Gruvbox (light) (ported by @jsoa) - doom-henna -- based on VSCode's Henna theme (ported by @jsoa) - doom-homage-black -- a minimalistic, colorless theme inspired by eziam, tao, and jbeans (ported by @mskorzhinskiy) - doom-homage-white -- minimal white theme inspired by editors from 2000s (ported by @mskorzhinskiy) - doom-horizon -- ported from VSCode Horizon (ported by @karetsu) - doom-Iosvkem -- ported from the default dark theme for Adobe Brackets (ported by @neutaaaaan) - doom-ir-black -- ported from Vim's ir_black colorscheme (ported by @legendre6891) - doom-lantern -- based on Gitleptune's Lantern theme (ported by @paladhammika) - doom-laserwave -- a clean synthwave/outrun theme inspired by VSCode's Laserwave (ported by @hyakt) - doom-manegarm -- an original autumn-inspired dark theme (ported by @kenranunderscore) - doom-material -- adapted from equinusocio's Material themes (ported by @tam5) - doom-material-dark -- inspired by Material Theme by xrei (ported by @trev-dev) - doom-meltbus -- a dark (mostly) monochromatic theme (ported by @spacefrogg) - doom-miramare -- a port of Franbach's Miramare theme; a variant of Grubox (ported by @sagittaros) - doom-molokai -- inspired by Tomas Restrepo's Molokai (ported by @hlissner) - doom-monokai-classic -- port of Monokai Classic (ported by @ema2159) - doom-monokai-machine -- port of Monokai Classic (ported by @minikN) - doom-monokai-octagon -- port of Monokai Octagon (ported by @minikN) - doom-monokai-pro -- Port of Monokai Pro (ported by @minikN) - doom-monokai-ristretto -- Port of Monokai Ristretto (ported by @minikN) - doom-monokai-spectrum -- port of Monokai Spectrum (ported by @minikN) - doom-moonlight -- inspired by VS code's Moonlight (ported by @Brettm12345) - doom-nord -- dark variant of Nord (ported by @fuxialexander) - doom-nord-aurora -- a light variant of Nord (ported by @MoskitoHero) - doom-nord-light -- light variant of Nord (ported by @fuxialexander) - doom-nova -- inspired by Trevord Miller's Nova (ported by @bigardone) - doom-oceanic-next -- inspired by Oceanic Next (ported by @juanwolf) - doom-oksolar-dark -- an OKLab variant of Solarized dark (ported by @logc) - doom-oksolar-light -- an OKLab variant of Solarized light (ported by @logc) - doom-old-hope -- inspired by An Old Hope, in a galaxy far far away (ported by @teesloane) - doom-one -- inspired by Atom One Dark (ported by @hlissner) - doom-one-light -- inspired by Atom One Light (ported by @ztlevi) - doom-opera -- an original light theme (ported by @jwintz) - doom-opera-light -- an original light theme (ported by @jwintz) - doom-outrun-electric -- a high contrast, neon theme inspired by Outrun Electric on VSCode (ported by @ema2159) - doom-palenight -- adapted from equinusocio's Material themes (ported by @Brettm12345) - doom-peacock -- inspired by daylerees' Peacock (ported by @teesloane) - doom-pine -- a green flavor of doom-gruvbox (by @RomanHargrave) - doom-plain -- inspired by gko's plain theme for VSCode (ported by @das-s) - doom-plain-dark -- inspired by gko's plain theme for VSCode (ported by @das-s) - doom-rouge -- ported from VSCode's Rouge Theme (ported by @das-s) - doom-shades-of-purple -- a port of VSCode's Shades of Purple (ported by @jwbaldwin) - doom-snazzy -- inspired by Hyper Snazzy (ported by @ar1a) - doom-solarized-dark -- a dark variant of Solarized (ported by @ema2159) - doom-solarized-dark-high-contrast -- a high-contrast variant of Solarized Dark (ported by @jmorag) - doom-solarized-light -- a light variant of Solarized (ported by @fuxialexander) - doom-sourcerer -- a port of xero's Sourcerer (ported by @fm0xb) - doom-spacegrey -- I'm sure you've heard of it (ported by @teesloane) - doom-tokyo-night -- inspired by VSCode's Tokyo Night theme (ported by @FosterHangdaan) - doom-tomorrow-day -- a light variant of Tomorrow (ported by @emacswatcher) - doom-tomorrow-night -- One of the dark variants of Tomorrow (ported by @hlissner) - doom-vibrant -- a more vibrant variant of doom-one (ported by @hlissner) - doom-wilmersdorf -- port of Ian Pan's Wilmersdorf (ported by @ema2159) - doom-xcode -- based off of Apple's Xcode Dark Theme (ported by @kadenbarlow) - doom-zenburn -- port of the popular Zenburn theme (ported by @jsoa) ## Install `M-x package-install RET doom-themes` A comprehensive configuration example: (require 'doom-themes) ;; Global settings (defaults) (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t ; if nil, bold is universally disabled doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled ;; Load the theme (doom-one, doom-molokai, etc); keep in mind that each ;; theme may have their own settings. (load-theme 'doom-one t) ;; Enable flashing mode-line on errors (doom-themes-visual-bell-config) ;; Enable custom neotree theme (doom-themes-neotree-config) ; all-the-icons fonts must be installed!