Basic usage: (add-hook 'nxml-mode-hook #'dix-on-nxml-mode) Unless you installed from MELPA, you'll also need (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/dix.el-folder") (autoload 'dix-mode "dix" "dix-mode is a minor mode for editing Apertium XML dictionary files." t) If you actually work on Apertium packages, you'll probaby want some other related Emacs extensions as well; see for an init file that installs and configures both dix.el and some related packages. Optional dependencies: * `strie' – for the `dix-guess-pardef' function If you want keybindings that use `C-c' followed by letters, you should also add (add-hook 'dix-mode-hook #'dix-C-c-letter-keybindings) These are not turned on by default, since `C-c' followed by letters is meant to be reserved for user preferences. Useful functions (some using C-c-letter-keybindings): `C-c ' creates an LR-restricted copy of the -element at point, `C-c ' an RL-restricted one. `C-TAB' cycles through the restriction possibilities (LR, RL, none), while `M-n' and `M-p' move to the next and previous "important bits" of -elements (just try it!). `C-c S' sorts a pardef, while `M-.' moves point to the pardef of the entry at point, leaving mark where you left from (`M-.' will go back). `C-c \' greps the pardef/word at point using the dictionary files represented by the string `dix-dixfiles', while `C-c D' gives you a list of all pardefs which use these suffixes (where a suffix is the contents of an -element). `M-x dix-suffix-sort' is a general function, useful outside of dix XML files too, that just reverses each line, sorts them, and reverses them back. `C-c % %' is a convenience function for regexp-replacing text within certain XML elements, eg. all elements; `C-c % r' and `C-c % l' are specifically for and elements, respectively. I like having the following set too: (setq nxml-sexp-element-flag t ; treat ... as a sexp nxml-completion-hook '(rng-complete t) ; C-RET completes based on DTD rng-nxml-auto-validate-flag nil) ; 8MB of XML takes a while You can always turn on validation again with C-c C-v. Validation is necessary for the C-RET completion, which is really handy in transfer files. I haven't bothered with defining a real indentation function, but if you like having all elements aligned at eg. column 25, the align rules defined here let you do M-x align on a region to achieve that, and also aligns

and . Set your favorite column numbers with M-x customize-group RET dix. Plan / long term TODO: - Yank into or pardef n="" should replace spaces with either a or a _ - Functions shouldn't modify the kill-ring. - Functions should be agnostic to formatting (ie. only use nxml movement functions, never forward-line). - Real indentation function for one-entry-one-line format. - `dix-LR-restriction-copy' should work on a region of 's. - `dix-expand-lemma-at-point' (either using `dix-goto-pardef' or `lt-expand') - Some sort of interactive view of the translation process . When looking at a word in monodix, you should easily get confirmation on whether (and what) it is in the bidix or other monodix (possibly just using `apertium-transfer' and `lt-proc' on the expanded paradigm). - Function for creating a prelimenary list of bidix entries from monodix entries, and preferably from two such lists which we "paste" side-by-side. - `dix-LR-restriction-copy' (and the other copy functions) could add a="author" - `dix-dixfiles' could auto-add files from Makefile? - `dix-sort-e-by-r' doesn't work if there's an element after the ; and doesn't sort correctly by -element, possibly to do with spaces - `dix-reverse' should be able to reverse on a regexp match, so that we can do `dix-suffix-sort' by eg. -elements. - Investigate if Emacs built-in `tildify-mode' should be used to implement `dix-space'.