Usage: Install via package or copy this file to a location of your load path (e.g. ~/.emacs.d) and add the following to your .emacs (or .emacs.d/init.el): ;----------------- ; mode Cubicle ;----------------- (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.cub\\'" . cubicle-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'cubicle-mode "cubicle-mode" "Major mode for Cubicle." t) You can also use Cubicle in org-mode through babel by adding the following to your .emacs: (defun org-babel-execute:cubicle (body params) "Execute a block of Cubicle code with org-babel." (message "executing Cubicle source code block") (let ((brab (cdr (assoc :brab (org-babel-process-params params))))) (if brab (org-babel-eval (format "cubicle -brab %S" brab) body) (org-babel-eval "cubicle" body) ))) In this case you can define Cubicle source blocks and evaluate them with #+begin_src cubicle :brab 2 #+end_src where :brab is an optional argument that will be passed on to cubicle when executed.