This extension provides a context menu like right-click. For more infomation, see ; Dependencies: - popup.el ( bundled auto-complete.el. see ) - yaxception.el ( see ) - log4e.el ( see ) ; Installation: Put this to your load-path. And put the following lines in your .emacs or site-start.el file. (require 'ctxmenu) ; Configuration: ;; Key Binding (define-key global-map (kbd "M-@") 'ctxmenu:show) ;; Also, you need to define the contents of context menu into `ctxmenu:global-sources'/`ctxmenu:sources'. ;; `ctxmenu:add-source' is a helper function for it. ;; Moreover I have a basic configuration, see ; Customization: [EVAL] (autodoc-document-lisp-buffer :type 'user-variable :prefix "ctxmenu:[^:]" :docstring t) `ctxmenu:default-menu-list-function' Function for building the menu of source. `ctxmenu:default-sort-menu-function' Function for the menu sort of source. `ctxmenu:show-at-pointed' Whether show a context menu at the point of cursol. `ctxmenu:use-isearch' Whether use isearch on selecting menu. `ctxmenu:use-quick-help' Whether use quick help. `ctxmenu:quick-help-delay' Delay to show quick help. `ctxmenu:warning-menu-number-threshold' Number as the threshold whether show the warning about the slowness of Emacs. *** END auto-documentation