Cosmological calculator for Lambda-CDM models. The package provides interactive commands for handy computation of cosmological distance measures. For instance, to display a summary table, type: M-x cosmo-calculator All cosmological quantities are computed at a given value of the gravitational `redshift' of photons frequency due to the expansion of the Universe. To set the cosmological parameters, type: M-x cosmo-set-params The Lambda-CDM model is characterized by the following parameters: - `H0': Hubble parameter (expansion rate) today (e.g., 70 km/s/Mpc). - `omatter': Matter density parameter today (e.g., 0.3). - `olambda': Cosmological constant density parameter (e.g., 0.7). - `orel': Relativistic species density parameter today (e.g., 0.0001). The curvature density parameter today is derived from the others above according to Friedmann's equation. Definitions follow Hogg (1999) . Names with "--" are for functions and variables that are meant to be for internal use only.