**Mode for editing conkeror javascript files.** ----------------------------------------------- Currently, this minor-mode defines: 1. A function for sending current javascript statement to be evaluated by conkeror. This function is `eval-in-conkeror' bound to **C-c C-c**. 2. Syntax coloring. 3. Indentation according to [Conkeror Guidelines](http://conkeror.org/DevelopmentGuidelines). 4. Warning colors when anything in your code is not compliant with [Conkeror Guidelines](http://conkeror.org/DevelopmentGuidelines). If you find this one excessive, you can set `conkeror-warn-about-guidelines' to `nil'. Installation: ============= If you install from Melpa just skip to the activation instructions below. If you install manually, make sure it's loaded (add-to-list 'load-path "/PATH/TO/CONKEROR-MINOR-MODE.EL/") (autoload 'conkeror-minor-mode "conkeror-minor-mode") then follow activation instructions below. Activation ========== It is up to you to define when `conkeror-minor-mode' should be activated. If you want it on every javascript file, just do (add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'conkeror-minor-mode) If you want it only on some files, you can have it activate only on your `.conkerorrc' file: (add-hook 'js-mode-hook (lambda () (when (string= ".conkerorrc" (buffer-name)) (conkeror-minor-mode 1)))) or, alternatively, only on files with "conkeror" somewhere in the path: (add-hook 'js-mode-hook (lambda () (when (string-match "conkeror" (buffer-file-name)) (conkeror-minor-mode 1))))