This is a major mode for editing CleverCSS files. Much of the functionality imitates that of `clevercss-mode'. `clevercss-mode' provides support for imenu and hideshow. ; Installation: - Put `clevercss.el' somewhere in your emacs load path - Add these lines to your .emacs file: (autoload 'clevercss-mode "clevercss nil t) (add-to-list auto-mode-alist '("\\.pcss\\'" . clevercss-mode)) This mode assumes that CleverCSS files have the suffix ".pcss". You may use additional suffixes by adding them to `auto-mode-alist'. For example, to add the suffix ".ccss" you would write the following in your .emacs file: (add-to-list auto-mode-alist '("\\.ccss\\'" . clevercss-mode)) To customize how it works: M-x customize-group RET clevercss-mode RET ; Bug Reporting: Patches welcome.