Nothing. ; Dependencies: - bts.el ( see ) - gh.el ( see ) ; Installation: Put this to your load-path. And put the following lines in your .emacs or site-start.el file. (require 'bts-github) ; Configuration: ;; About config item, see Customization or eval the following sexp. ;; (customize-group "bts-github") ; Customization: [EVAL] (autodoc-document-lisp-buffer :type 'user-variable :prefix "bts-github:[^:]" :docstring t) `bts-github:ignore-labels' List of label name applied `bts:summary-ignored-ticket-face'. `bts-github:max-specpdl-size' Number for `max-specpdl-size' changed for fetching big data temporarily. `bts-github:max-lisp-eval-depth' Number for `max-lisp-eval-depth' changed for fetching big data temporarily. `bts-github:summary-id-width' Width of issue ID column in summary buffer. `bts-github:summary-label-width' Width of issue labels column in summary buffer. `bts-github:summary-label-decorating' Whether to decorate issue labels column. *** END auto-documentation