rain is a powerful tool for testing stability of hardware and software utilizing IP protocols. It offers its users the capability of creating their own packets with a wide variety of command line options. Here is a sample output of rain --help ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ rain 1.2.5 by Evil (mystic@tenebrous.com) ] [pid:10792] Usage: ./rain [options] -t options available for root: -c Specifies how many packets to send; 0 for infinite; Default is 0 -d Specifies delay (in microseconds) between sends; Default is 15000 -s Specifies source address (--help -s); 0 for random; Default is -t Specifies target address --size Specifies packet size in bytes; Default is 1024 --dport | -p Specifies port on target host; Default is 138 --sport Specifies port on local host; Default is 420 --sim Simulate other known attacks (--help --sim for a list of attacks) --udp Use UDP shower --tcp Use TCP shower (Default) --stream Use a streaming, non-spoofed TCP send shower (--help --stream) --connect Use a streaming, non-spoofed TCP connect shower (--help --connect) --seq Specifies the TCP sequence number; Default is process ID --win Specifies the TCP window size; Default is 56 --urg Use TCP URG shower --ack Use TCP ACK shower --ack-seq Specifies the initial TCP acknowledgement sequence; Default is 0 --psh Use TCP PSH shower --rst Use TCP RST shower --syn Use TCP SYN shower (Default) --fin Use TCP FIN shower --icmp Use ICMP shower --icmp-type Set ICMP type (--help --icmp-type) --icmp-code Set ICMP code (--help --icmp-code) --igmp Use IGMP shower --igmp-type Set IGMP type (--help --igmp-type) --igmp-code Set IGMP code (--help --igmp-code) --frag Set fragment offset; Default is 0 (--help --frag) --tos Specifies Type of Service value (--help --tos) --ttl Specifies the Time to Live of the packet; Default is 64 --id Specifies the id sequence of the packet; Default is the process ID --id-of When specified, rain will overflow the id field of the packet by increasing it with each send by one (used with -c 0) --version | -v Prints version information --help Prints this help menu Try ./rain --help for more information about specific options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rain also has the ability to duplicate other well known attacks such as fawx2, bloop, jolt2 and trash2. The rain homepage is located at: http://www.tenebrous.com/rain/