What is Hogwash? Hogwash is a packet scrubber (sometimes called a signature based firewall) based on Snort (www.snort.org). It is designed to live inline with the network feed and drop malicious packets. Hogwash is built on top of layer 2 and is designed to be invisible. It runs without an IP stack loaded. I run Hogwash on a Linux box without IP support compiled into the kernel. The rules language should be familiar to anyone who has run Snort in the past. Hogwash is lightweight. It is designed to run on old hardware and embedded systems. I'm currently trying to get some PC-104 hardware to run it on. It scales nicely up to 100mbs so it can be plugged into a large pipe, and it is lightwieght enough to plug in front of a single machine with special needs. How is Hogwash different from XXX? Many of the existing projects actively defend the network by manipulating deny rules in ipchains, netfilter, or the like. If a signature is matched, or a condition is met, the IP is added to the deny list. This is bad because attackers will figure out what's going on really fast. Their next move is to spoof packets coming from yahoo.com, microsoft.com, your DNS server, etc. and break the network. Hogwash can drop only the suspect packets or it can modify the content in route to sanitize the packet. Other scrubbers work with higher level mechanics making them a security risk. The scrubber shouldn't become yet another machine to worry about. Hogwash doesn't modify the packet in any way as it passes through (unless you want it to). The MAC addresses, TTL's, etc remain unchanged making it very hard to find and even harder to attack the scrubber. Hogwash is platform indepentant. The Hogwash homepage is located at: http://hogwash.sourceforge.net/ Cryptographic signatures and checksums may be provided by the developers at the URL(s) above. Wiretapped recommends that users check these before use of the software/information.