Nondissusion of the Dvorak Keyboard - Daddy Little Boy :'######::'##:::::'##::::'###::::'########: '##... ##: ##:'##: ##:::'## ##:::... ##..:: ##:::..:: ##: ##: ##::'##:. ##::::: ##:::: . ######:: ##: ##: ##:'##:::. ##:::: ##:::: :..... ##: ##: ##: ##: #########:::: ##:::: '##::: ##: ##: ##: ##: ##.... ##:::: ##:::: . ######::. ###. ###:: ##:::: ##:::: ##:::: :......::::...::...:::..:::::..:::::..::::: ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___________ _ _ _____ | \/ | / _ \| __ \ / _ \ |___ /_ _| \ | || ___| | . . |/ /_\ \ | \// /_\ \ / / | | | \| || |__ | |\/| || _ | | __ | _ | / / | | | . ` || __| | | | || | | | |_\ \| | | |./ /____| |_| |\ || |___ \_| |_/\_| |_/\____/\_| |_/\_____/\___/\_| \_/\____/ .'`-_-`',.`'-_ Issue 40 Article 2 _-'`,.'`-_-`', (____________________________________________________) | Nondissusion of the Dvorak Keyboard | (____________________________________________________) Daddy Little Boy [x--------------------------------------------------x] Most of us who use a typewriter or do word processing on a computer do not realise that our fingers tap our words on a keyboard that is called "QWERTY," named after the first six keys on the upper row of letters. The QWERTY keyboard is inefficient and awkward. This typewriter keyboard takes twice as long to learn as it should, and makes us work about twenty times harder than necessary. But QWERTY has persisted since 1873, and today unsuspecting individuals are being taught to use the QWERTY keyboard, unaware that a much more efficient typewriter keyboard is available. Where did QWERTY come from? Why does it continue to be used, instead of much more efficient alternative keyboard designs? QWERTY was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes, who designed this keyboard to slow down typists. In that day, the type-bars on a typewriter hung down in a sort of basket, and pivoted up to strike the paper; then they fell back in place by gravity. When two adjoining keys were struck rapidly in succession, they jammed. Sholes rearranged the keys on a typewriter keyboard to minimize such jamming; he "anti-engineered" the arrangement to make the most commonly used letter sequences awkward. By thus making it difficult for a typist to operate the machine, and slowing down typing speed, Sholes' QWERTY keyboard allowed these early typewriters to operate satisfactorily. His design was used in the manufacture of all typewriters. Early typewriter salesmen could impress customers by pecking out "TYPEWRITER" as all of the letters necessary to spell this word were found in one row of the QWERTYUIOP machine. Prior to about 1900, most typists used the two-finger, hunt-and-peck system. Later, as touch typing became popular, dissatisfaction with the QWERTY typewriter began to grow. Typewriters became mechanically more efficient, and the QWERTY keyboard design was no longer necessary to prevent key jamming. The search for an improved design was led by Professor August Dvorak at the University of Washington, who in 1932 used time-and-motion studies to create a much more efficient keyboard arrangement. The Dvorak keyboard has the letters A,O,E,U,I,D,H,T,N, and S across the home row of the typewriter. Less frequently used letters were placed on the upper and lower rows of keys. About 70 percent of typing is done on the home row, 22 percent on the upper row, and 8 percent on the lower row. On the Dvorak keyboard, the amount of work assigned to each finger is proportionate to its skill and strength. Further, Professor Dvorak engineered his keyboard so that successive keystrokes fell on alternative hands; thus, while a finger on one hand is stroking a key, a finger on the other hand can be moving into position to hit the next key. Typing rhythm is thus facilitated; this hand alternation was achieved by putting the vowels (which represent 40 percent of all letters typed) on the left-hand side, and placing the major consonants that usually accompany these vowels on the right-hand side of the keyboard. Professor Dvorak was thus able to avoid the typing inefficiencies of the QWERTY keyboard. For instance, QWERTY overloads the left hand, which must type 57 percent of ordinary copy. The Dvorak keyboard shifts this emphasis to 56 percent on the stronger right hand and 44 percent on the weaker left hand. Only 32 percent of typing is done of the home row with the QWERTY system, compared to 70 percent with the Dvorak keyboard. The newer arrangement requires less jumping back and forth from row to row; with the QWERTY keyboard, a good typists' fingertips travel more than twelve miles a day, jumping from row to row. These unnecessary intricate movements cause mental tension, typist fatigue, and lead to more typographical errors. One might expect, on the basis of its overwhelming advantages, that the Dvorak keyboard would have completely replaced the inferior QWERTY keyboard. On the contrary, after more than 50 years, almost all typists are still using the inefficient QWERTY keyboard. Even tough the American National Standards Institute and the Equipment Manufacturers Association have approved the Dvorak keyboard as an alternate design, it is still almost impossible to find a typewriter or a computer keyboard that is arranged in the more efficient layout. Vested interests are involved in hewing to the old design: Manufacturers, sales outlets, typing teachers, and typists themselves. No, technological innovations are not always diffused and adopted rapidly. Even when the innovation has obvious, proven advantages. As the reader may have guessed by now, the present pages were typed on a QWERTY keyboard... [x--------------------------------------------------x] SWAT Magazine : Spreading information since 1997 Copyright (c) SWAT Magazine 1997 - 2001 Permission to reproduce, spread, print, transmit, and anything or everything else that you wanna do with it is granted - just give us credit! [x--------------------------------------------------x]