_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Projects \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Codename: swat Couriers Task: Set up and maintain a warez couriering network using resources avalible to us. Target: To maintain a channel on numerous IRC servers running 24/7 XDCC bots and Fserv's Details: Ok, so we're going to create a new project that is going to involve us giving away gigabytes of warez to more or less anyone. Why? simple, warez are popular. we can target a lot of people by abusing a lot of the resources we have, this will involve installing bots on cracked NT boxes which will DCC warez to anyone who wants them. We'll work on the basis that 1 bot will equal TWO programs at the most, depending on the cracked networks bandwidth and hard drive space (the latter is rarely an issue since networks have gigabytes of space). We will aim to have 5 bots offering a maximum total of 10 programs, each bot will be on both DALnet and Undernet. Current KNOWN problems: We don't have a good Xdcc bot that we can use, as a result we're going to have to either code or rip one. Requirements of bot: Reads the files from a text file then offers out the files on irc in the usual XDCC manner, this allows us to easily update the packs and warez when we need to, without having to restart the bot. Ideally the bot would be 100% remote controled from within mirc by sending commands to it or such like. Either way, we need to either code something or find somebody to code something for us. Overall result: Should this project prove sucessful and work out correctly then SWAT will start up a courier division who's job will be to maintain the bots. Personal comments: Well if we can get this to work properly then we should be able to get a foot hold in one scene that we've not been able to touch upon much. Once we get this working properly then hopefully our name will get out a lot and we should gain more respect and more followers, as a result, we should get a small influx of trial members that should replenish our ranks, hopefully with skills that are of use to us and will help us with future projects.