_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Spy Story Of Warez! \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok i came up with his one last night after having being a little out of my head, ok well a friend of mine whom i know from college wanted AutoCAD 2000, so using my elite warez tracking skillz i located a copy at my place of work, now, there was a slight problem with this, firstly i don't have a burner in my box at work, nor do i want to carry about 200 floppy disks about, and i can't FTP it to my box because, well, i don't leave it online 24/7. So what could i do? simple, compress it, split it up and send it to Russia (Moscow to be exact). Anyhow, once it'd arrived there, which was its temp holding space, since it wouldn't last on there for very long, BUT it only needed to be there a few days, also the Russia site was a tad slow, anyhow, after the files got there, i would FXP them from Russia to Canada, to Silvers trusty FTP site that she set up to help with KribNET. That, being as reliable as you can get, was where i'd download it from (since its reliable, fast, and pretty much everything else). So, for the sake of a 20 mile or so drive, the warez had gone compeatly around the world, laundered via russia and canada all from my desktop at work, to end up on my home computer, burned to CD and sold on the black market (which would be the college). I mean, in many ways its all pretty cool, i say spy like, because it reminded me of james bond films, people stealing software, then smuggling it back to russia, then using agents who'd set up drop points to get it into Canada and then onto the UK to some underground party who needed it, i dunno, i was stoned when i came up with it, i'll include the chat log that i had with my m8. So there you go