_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY EIGHT FEBRUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Free Phone calls from a Taxi Phone \ / by Enzine \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I found something out a little while ago that may develop into other things later on. I was playing with my mobile and I turned my key tones on. When you press a key you can hear the different tones. This made me think about red boxing. I went to my home phone, picked up the receiver and placed my mobile against the mouth piece. I dialed a number and waited. Sure enough the number rung. I had just dialed a number without touching any of my home phones keys. This means you can red box with your mobile :) Go to a taxi phone. You know the kind at supermarkets with one button that dials a taxi when you press it? Well go to one, lift up the receiver. Use your mobile to dial the number you want, like I explained earlier. Wait and BINGO! The number should dial and ring and you are now talking for free. Just remember - It DOESNT take 2 hours to ring a taxi! Have phun with this and experiment this method on payphones etc.. Thanks for reading. Enzine. ashtheflash@hotmail.com http://www.hackuk.net P.S - Any feedback from people using this method etc will be great. I would like to hear about any new things people have found etc.