_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY FOUR OCTOBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / How to make your very own thing \ / By Hotnail \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ (rocket, loud noise maker, or failure)~~~~~~~~ 1st of all this article is for your enjoyment not for actually doing. i am sure you'll have lots of fun and enjoyment reading it get a pencil case from Muji that japanese place that have stores everywhere. Theyre aluminium + cylindrical in two halves about 2x as long as your index finger. if u cant find a muji then get some kind of tin thing wich fits together and come apart easily like the old tobacco cans or whatever u can find old gas cooker lighter sparky thing wires and stuff batteries 4 the sparker if u need them stiff stainless steel wire or the most unreactive stuff uve got 24v bowl or takeaway box (plastic) bit of plastic from the lid of the box get the wires and cut of the plasic in separators and put the wires though them @ a distance smaller than the diameter of the tin like so: | width of tin | | | <- wires | | =========== <- plastic separators | | | | | | | | =========== | | etc and make the wires bout 5 inches long ok fill the bigger 1 with water and the curry box with water and put the wires in and turn it upside down. put 24v (dc) across the wires and go 2 sleep 4 about 3 hrs heres a pic . its a x section (the wires are inside) tube---------\/ ________________ | | top bit full of hydrogen oxygen | | | | | | | | | | | | | ========= | | | | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| water level | | | | | | | | | | | | rest still full of water | | | | | | | | 24v 0v | ========= | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |~~~~~|~~~~~~| | | |~~~|~~| | | | | | | | | curry container | \_________/ \_______/ | | | \__________________________________/ after 3 hrs or so it'll be full of hydrogen+oxygen ok take the other half and drill a small hole in the end (just big enough to put a peice of 1core wire through. put a peice of single core wire through so it pokes though inside but is about 1/2 cm in so that it could spark between the case and the wire make it stay there with blu tack or something remove the tube from the water UPWARDS and keep it facing upwards. as soon as its clear of the water put your hand over the end to make sure that no gas can escape/diffuse etc.... put the two halves together (it doesnt matter abuot any water still on the tube) put wire int he opening so that it has good contact with it either bury it 1/2 foot under or point it up like a rocket, stand well back, conect the igniter and cover your ears. it will either go bang v loudly or shoot up into the air or send shrapnel everywhere (oh yeah be careful) or it wont work good luck and i didnt tell you ANYTHING hotnail@bog-squad.co.uk