_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY THREE JULY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / CocytusUK News \ / by Phreakazoid \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COCYTUS UK ***************************** -----------Official---------- news=news=news=news=news=news ***************************** brought to you by Phreakazoid http://www.awol4life.org.uk W000p w0000p I is back! I got back in the UK on the 27th August, & although F_S tried to get me to do the editin' on SWAT32 I didn't have any spare time on my hands so I regretfully couldn't do it, but now I'm back in action. Don't forget to visit us on IRC...... irc.darker.net (port 6667) #CocytusUK - Official Room of SWAT and AWOL CocytusUK News will bring you the latest news from the world of the Underground, including news about SWAT, AWOL and other goings on that we think it's worth you knowing about... Anyways, on with the news. +==============================================+ |HEADLINES | |==============================================| |SWAT go to DNS-CON | |SWATteam.org back in safe hands | |Help Wanted on New SWAT Site Design | |URLs Of The Month! | +==============================================+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well you heard it last month in SWAT, but I'll summarise it for you if you haven't already. FireStarter and Goblinz both went to DNS-CON this year and they had a GREAT time including dunking ARMAGEDDON (the A-S leader) into the Irish sea, and then Geddon was reported to have ran off crying... awwww, the poor boy got a little muddy and wet nevermind, mummy will clean him up.... Gobz also shot Geddon in the elbow with a BB gun and they caused all sorts of havoc from stealing multiple items that you wouldn't normally, like various signs, and a ticker that counts the number of people going into the tiolet (worth about £70) and all sorts. They generally had a great time and socialised with some interesting people.... .... Oh and did I mention, they made Geddon look like a complete dickwad, actually that ain't very hard to do, and it's also reported that some A-S "pixies" that were there, were all for getting Geddon, and helped do it.... Oh well, nice to see how loved he is, right? One more thing, we've heard something about what would happen if SWAT made a big deal out of what happened... so... I got one thing to say... Geddon, go fuck a ferret. Photo's of the best bits of DNS-CON can be found on the SWAT site, including pics of Geddon getting his just deserts :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two months after we discovered that swateam.org had been hijacked, we have now regained control, and www.swateam.org is back up :) F_S got the domain up late last month, and it's all working now, so that's that :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, we are changing the SWAT site design once again :) We are looking for anyone who wants to help with the site, to contact F_S as soon as possible, we've had some people contact us, but we are looking for the best design we can get. We would appreciate it if the design were compatible with Netscape and Internet Explorer and any other browsers as well (Mozilla etc..) If you DO want to help out, then please contact me at phreakazoid@hitemup.com FireStarter at xellent55@hotmail.com or catch either of us on IRC in #cocytusuk on irc.darker.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok it's that time of the month.. URLs Of The Month!! I have compiled a list of the Top 5 URLs that we here think that you outa visit.... These aren't neccesarily Hacking or Underground Pages.. but can be... (to send your nominations for URLs Of The Month e-mail phreakazoid@hitemup.com) Here come the Top 5: 1. www.multimap.com 2. www.yahooka.com 3. widgysoft.8m.com/sky.htm 4. www.hitemup.com 5. www.eminem2000.com And There You Have It! ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** That's all from me for this month people. Cya next month.... ---- PHREAK OUT ---- "How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz Rest in peace young nigga, there's a Heaven for a 'G' be a lie, If I told ya that I never thought of death my niggas, we tha last ones left but life goes on....." - "Life Goes On" Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996) ========================================================================================== I'd just like to give a big SHOUT-OUT to all at SWAT, AWOL, HDC and everyone else that I know. Especially, Narayan, MtecDevil, Slider, solidox, EXE-gency, Walrus, Brakis, InSaNe, Syztem_Krash, Slip, Predator, -=FireStarter=-, the Doh-Boy, UnknownGuest, Cid, raXPmH. SuperJuan, Secti0n8, CrossFire, Odysseus, Alias, Deimos, M0RPH, MaquisHacker, Mirage, Devilish, -=TnC=-, Kate (Electra), Agtesque, Laura and everyone else at SWAT, AWOL and all those from #CocytusUK and #ShellOracle on irc.darker.net ==========================================================================================