_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY EIGHT APRIL 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / 10 things that totally piss me off about McDonalds \ / By ThE ReNeGaDe mAsTeR \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro First id like to thank Firestarter for putting my article in the last issue. Thanks m8! :-) A wise man once said.... "Theres nothing quite like a McDonalds" How right he is! 1. The Smell You Can Smell For Miles Yes it isnt the fact that you have a good schnoz on your face its cos they pump it out purposely to make you feel hungry. I think they do it with fans on the cooking area ceiling or something, i watched a documentary about this before about supermarkets and the way you THINK you can smell the bread being cooked. 2. Waiting For Plain Burgers If your a parky eater like me, you dont like the shit they put in the burgers (Meat Excepted). It takes them 4 mins just to cook a big mac! 3. The "Smiles" Have you noticed the way that the serving staff always look like they hit the bong on their lunch break? Some probablys do but mostly its cos they are told to too keep the customers happy. They normally freak me out. Im sure Tony Blair used to work for them, he cant stop looking like chucky from childs play now. 4. Wrong orders We all know McDonalds's common flaw. Fucking up orders. Im suprised they didnt copyright it! The thing is that it never works to your advantage. Its not as if you order a Big Mac Meal and get 2 burgers, no you always end up without fries or..... you get a fillet of fish burger by mistake. This is especially annoying and common at drive-thru's. 5. Music The music in McDonalds is WAY too quiet. Whats the point if you cant hear it? Sometimes this is a blessing, you know when they have those special limited edition meals like the ones now which i think are chinese. Anyways, they always put stupid music on like a chinese version of a corrs song or some other crap like that. A walkman sometimes is a must. 6. Toys You know them pieces of crap kids go mad for? Well I bet you never thought about the fact that about 50% of the queue is simply full of people wanting to buy Beenie babies or whatever crap they are pushing now. Yup you end up waiting longer cos of people not wanting to buy food but toys! 7. Seating Why is there never a seat left at about 12am-1pm? Of course its cos its lunch time but why dont mcdonalds provide enough seating? A. Cos the franchisee isnt bothered if people end up being mugged outside by seagulls. B. Cos the street sweepers will get rid of all the crap people have dropped. 8. Gerkins I can guarantee that at least 8 out of 10 people would love all the worlds gerkins to be incinerated. They taste like shit and the taste stays in your gob for fucking ages. Nasty. 9. Milk Shake Machines Is it just me or are 1 in 3 McDonalds milk shake machines fucked? Its always when i fancy a milk shake that the machine is fucked. Normally the part that spews out the strawberry shakes. 10. Kids Partys "Oh Ronald Mcdonald is a paedophile he likes the little boys, he gets them into bed with him with promises of toys." Kids partys are especially annoying. I have nothing against kids but the ones who go are idiots who run about eating burgers then spewing on the floor. Nice little sight if your eating.