_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY EIGHT APRIL 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Cardboard Box Trap Bomb \ / by Johnzbombz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I advise this for the more experienced pyro 'cause beginners will blow their head off. I don't care whether you put this idea to practice or just include it in the rest of your pyro article collection, as long as you enjoy reading, stay outa trouble, and by all means don't blame me for your own destruction. Just be careful sending it through the mail. To make the electrical version, you will need the following materials: ====================================================================== - A cardboard box (give yourself enough room to work within it; so theres room 4 the bomb & other stuff) - Desired explosive (Recomended Acetone Peroxide/HMTD) - Hot glue gun - Wires, 9v batteries, solar igniters - Video cassettes, empty rifle shells - Clothes peg and tinfoil Instructions ============ Afix solar ignitors into the rifle shells, and carefully pack the shells with Acetone Peroxide or HMTD, and seal with epoxy glue. BE VERY CAREFUL!!! Now Pull apart the video cassettes and rip out the ribon shit. Now you can put the shells into the cassettes and use loads of tissue or foam to cushon them from rolling around inside. Wire up the ignitors to some wires hanging out of the cassettes. You can make a few of these shells for the cases - the more the merrier! Just wire in a parallel circuit. If it needs more 9v batteries for a large amount of ignitors then there is no problem encorporating this into your circuit. Thats the explosive out of the way. Squeeze the peg so the two ends are apart. Wrap both ends with tin foil and secure with tape. When you let go of the peg, the two pieces of tin foil should make contact. Connect two wires individually to the tinfoil ends, and put a piece of plastic / cardboard between the peg to break the contact. Now make sure the cardboard box has its top and bottom flaps pushed out so you can work with both ends. Inside the box, making sure the cardboard flaps are pushed together, glue the peg to one flap and the non-conductive contact breaker to the other flap. This end of the box is obviously the top end. Meaning that when the flaps of the box are pulled open the contact breaker will come free thus the circuit will be completed. You get the picture. Wire one of the peg pins to a terminal on the 9v battery, and from the other terminal to a leg of the igniter wire. The other igniter wire is then connected to the other peg pin. All wires should be hotglued down the sides of the box as neatly as possible, and the video cassettes also so it doesn't fall about thus detonating the explosive. Run a piece of selotape down the middle of the flaps on the top of the box to keep it sealed and not accidently go off. Seal the bottom with much more tape, and you could stick the target's address on the top, with 'FRAGILE' & 'THIS WAY UP' signs on it. To make the non-electrical version: =================================== The solar igniters will need to be replaced by regular fuses which will have to be fixed together somehow. As for the ignition from opening the box, the use of the pull cord out of a Christmas cracker (the paper strip with the explosive stuff on it), and apply lots of black powder and glue arround it which at this point you add the fuse. Each end of the strip will be glued to both flaps. When the box lid is pulled open, the pull-cord explodes igniting the black powder, then the fuse which hits all the other fuses in a matter of a second or two. Its best you design your own system. Advantages of using this method: The post office will not detect it as easily (with there being less metal components). Disadvantages: More chance of this going wrong and not working as desired. Also a delay before exploding. IMPROVEMENTS ============ The box could also have flammable liquids/gas containers inside with the explosives. Along with sodium chlorate, thermite, napalm and flash powder to make a much deadlier effect! Its your choice. This will probably bring down the house. CONCLUSION ********** You are being stupid by sending this in the post. If - for WHATEVER reason, give this to a postman saying there are expensive films in there so not to be X-RAYed. The explosives that are mentioned are PRIMARY HIGH EXPLOSIVES, and for the use of advanced pyrotechnic users. Just the use of ONE rifle shell full of the explosive is VERY powerful - you won't believe it till you see it, so more than one shell is looking at a large scale of destruction. It will kill! JOHNZBOMBZ ********************************** My disclaimer is this: I, nor anyone else apart from you alone are responsible for your own actions and any damages or criminal activity by the use of this info is nothing to do with me. **********************************