____________________________________________________________________ | ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________ | | / ______/ / / / / / / / \ |___ ___| | | / /______ / / / / / / / ___ \ | | | | /______ / / / / / / / / /___\ \ | | | | _______/ / / /__/ /__/ / / _____ \ | | | | /________/ /______________/ /__/ \__\ |__| | | MAGAZINE | | Presented by... | | The South West Anarchy Team | |____________________________________________________________________| Issue Twenty eight. April 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Http://www.swateam.org xellent55@hotmail.com "So take my hand, accross this land, escape this, all of hell inside, create this man to make my stand, and break this hardened shell in time" - Machine Head "Silver" Well this month has been "interesting" to say the least, from RSD-Day to serval fun and amusing incidents with numerous pyrotechnic delights right down to every anarchists nightmare - getting searched by the pigs and having your favorite knife confiscated. Although i had to laugh when i was told (a few days later) that there was some loop hole in the law that made it legal to carry a lock knife as long as the blade wasn't open, lol to word it in the way of the pig that paid me a vist: "Because it's a lock knife, if you stab somebody the blade won't fold up and you'll do them a lot of damage" lol that's the reason u get busted if the blades out. /me thinks this guy don't know the principle behind stabbing somebody . So yeah,. i got my knife back and i'm happy about that. Well Green_Goblinz promised RSD articles for all of you, but his modem fried in a thunderstorm, so unfortunatly you'll get them all next month along with a load more he said he's working on. Well it was either delay the issue or place them in next month, and i didn't want to disapoint you all. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦ Contents ¦ ¦---------------------------------------------------------------------¦ ¦ # Article title Author ¦ ¦---------------------------------------------------------------------¦ ¦ 0: Introduction................................ -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦ 1: Another Incendiary.......................... -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦ 2: Cardboard Box Trap Bomb..................... Johnzbombz ¦ ¦ 3: Easy carding................................ The Malice Online ¦ ¦ 4: Cheap Knives - how to make and use them..... Midnight ¦ ¦ 5: Some Serials / registration codes (A)....... -: nEthOoD :- ¦ ¦ 6: hacker Ethics............................... Nik_Doof ¦ ¦ 7: Fuck a car to death: Part 1................. The Malice Online ¦ ¦ 8: IRC Security................................ _Smurf_ ¦ ¦ 9: Laughing gas and 50-60 Hz (ish) jammer...... HotNail ¦ ¦10: Match Bomb.................................. -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦11: Things that piss me off about McDonalds..... ThE ReNeGaDe mAsTeR ¦ ¦12: Primary explosives.......................... Johnzbombz ¦ ¦13: Hacking the RM Network part 1............... -: nEthOoD :- ¦ ¦14: Hacking the RM Network part 2............... -: nEthOoD :- ¦ ¦15: Little scam for cheap crap.................. -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦16: SubSeven 2.1 Bots........................... _Smurf_ ¦ ¦17: Our Glorious "Democracy"?................ -(The Mad Scientist)- ¦ ¦18: Win32.Krash - Win32Asm Companion Virus...... Exe-Gency ¦ ¦19: Home made Cherry Bomb / Mini napalm grenade. The Malice Online ¦ ¦20: SWAT Magazine Info...............................................¦ ¦21: Wrap up and Disclaimer...........................................¦ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+