_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SEVEN MARCH 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Phreakers Manual \ / By Lonesome Phreak and various other peeps \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -English Version- Many people ask why I use the name 'Lonesome Phreak'. There is only one reason for this, I am a lonesome phreak. I do not know anyone that shares the same interest in phreaking as I do. Hopefully this text will convert some people, as I will post it on the net, newsgroup and the school network. Anyone, enough of the bullshit, let's get to the point. Table of Contents 1.Disclaimer 2.Beige Boxing 3.Red Boxing 4.Blue Boxing (from another file) Number ONE 1.I will not take any responsibility for actions carried out after reading this files 2.Any questions, do not hesitate to mail me at thenetcleaner@hotmail.com 3. BT - please don't sue me Number Two Beige boxing is a way of getting free fone calls and is relatively easy to get into if u can find what u need. Here is a list. 1. The location of a PCP box (you know, the green BT boxes u see on the side of a road) 2. A beige box (more of that later) 3. A 13mm Hex Wrench (borrow or steal from ya dad) 4.A friend or two with a good set of eyes Here we go To make a beige box, get a bog standard one-piece phone (u know from Argos, £9,99) and take it home. The tools u will need are a pair of scissors and wire clippers/strippers. Another alternative for all that is a cigarette lighter. Believe it or not, you can strip the main wire and the wires inside with a lighter. But enough of that, when u get the fone home, take the wire that plugs into the wall (the lead with the jack plug on the end) and cut it about 30cm from the jack. What u will see inside the wire are 4 coloured wires. Now, strip or burn the main wires, exposing the 4 coloured wires. If u want, you can cut the RED and GREEN wires completely off as in the UK, u do not need them. Now, if everything has been done correctly u will have a lead with BLACK and YELLOW wires coming from the FONE and BLACK and YELLOW wires coming from a lead, connected to the jack plug Now, what u want to do is burn back the plastic covering on each wire to expose the copper wires inside. Once u have done this, take the wires and wrap the YELLOW wire around the other YELLOW wire and BLACK wire around the other BLACK wire, and plug the jack plug into a fone socket. If all has gone well, u should have a dialtone, if not, u have made a mistake and should retrace your steps until u find out what u have done wrong! Now &to the complicated bit. Find a hex wrench, and then find a PCP (the green BT box) which is found in OPEN places, which is a big piss-off as anyone seeing u opening a box and plugging things into it. When u find the box, remember it as it is going to be the source of all your fortunes (or just free international calls to your cuzon in Antigua). When u do find THE Box, open it up you will see a lot of wires. What u want is the line testing terminal it looks like what u plug your home fone into at home find it and plug your fone in you should have a dialtone if u haven t, don t worry, as you can connect your fone to the other testing line, situated next to the jack plug insert. Connect your wires to the line tester by wrapping them around the terminals and screwing the plastic bolt on top of each wire. Now, fiddle about with the switch that says monitor/???(I forgot) and try to get a dialtone if u can t get one this way, you have fucked up somewhere along the way. Number Three Red Boxing is a another way of getting free fone call and is easier than Beige Boxing and stick the middle finger upto people who says it isn t. What u will need are three things. 1, a copy of Cool Edit 96 from www.syntrillium.com, a walkman with good quality headfones or speaker or preferably, a digital or analogue dictafone and a good talking manner. Load up Cool Edit so u can use DTMF tones (but you do not need these), select new from the file menu, use the highest quality sound recording possible (48000Hz, I think) and away we go. Under the Generate menu there should me a option to create tones . Enter this option. Set the base frequency to 1000hz, and the length of the tones to .350 secs, as this is the tone for a 50p piece. Now to record the tones, either put them upto your PC Speaker and record straight off with a dictafone, or somehow record the tones to a tape (possibly through a stereo). When u have a the tones recorded in GOOD quality (record 4 or 5, with one second intervals), goto a fonebox. Call up the operator and say something like this (thx to Linenoise.org 4 this) Hello, I would like to place a call but sadly the 3 button has broken No problem sir i can put the call through for you Thank you Whats the number you would like to call? Its..*blah* *blah* Ok sir, could you please insert you money Sure *tones blasted out* Putting you through, thank you very much Thank you And I was put through to my call, thats an example of a successful attempt to persuade the operator, below is an unsuccessful attempt. Hello, I would like to place a call but the 3 button on the fone has broken I'm sorry sir, could you please find another fone to use? There isn't another fone around that I can use, can you please put it through? I'm sorry sir, you are going to have to find another fone But it is an emergency I can't help you sir, did you say the 3 key is broken I did yes I will send an engineer out to fix it immediatly Ok..Bye Bye If the operator says something like what Is above, run quicker than u could shit yourself because a enginner will have u arrested if he catches u Red Boxing. Number Four Here is some info on Blue Boxing, the art of getting free calls As you should already know, Blueboxing is a trick where you dial a 0800 (freephone) number, then release tones down the line, making the other end think you have hung up. Thus making you an extension of their line - anything you do appears to come from them, now when they hang up, you stay on and have control over their line. Bingo! Unfortunately, this trick doesn't work over here anymore. So, you will have to dial up a foreign (preferably developing) country by freephone. These are usually 0800 890 xxxx. So keep scanning until you find a line which emits a nice 'Cheep' sound when they pick up. This means the line is CCITT5. Which is the older format of tone dialling. It has now been replaced by DTMF in most countries so you'll be lucky if you find a working line. If you do find one, don't tell anyone - not even your best friend (that is, assuming you have friends) because word gets around and that is the way decent lines 'die'. So, once you get one, here's the deal: Get hold of a programme that generates sound tones. I recommend 'Bluebeep', which you can get from: - http://SorcereRs-Realm.home.ml.org You can either dial up with a voice modem, or you can record the tones from your soundcard, onto a DIGITAL Dictaphone. Analogue is DANGEROUS. Let me explain; sometimes the recording will be okay on a cassette or so, but sometimes you will get a crap recording, it won't work and the operator will know what you are up to. Which is why it would be best to do it from a payphone this way. Now you wait for an answer then play a mixture of the tones: 2400Hz + 2600Hz The length of time you hold this varies from country to country but usually somewhere between 50ms and 200ms does it. Then immediately after (no gap) play the plain 2400Hz On its own for a few seconds until they hang up. Now, with all being successful, you should have a free line all to yourself (WooHoo!!!). Now don't get hasty, we haven't finished yet. Your next task is to play either: The KP2 (as below) tone, followed by the country code, then the area code, then the number then ST (as below) for international calls (remember you are dialling from a foreign country - to get back to the UK, You'll need a country code & Area code (+44 then eg. 01792) before your number. So the international format is: KP2 + COUNTRY CODE + AREA CODE + NUMBER + ST For local calls (in the country you dialled), play KP1, then the area code, then the number then ST. So it's: KP1 + AREA CODE + NUMBER + ST (ST simply tells the server to start connecting. Here's the chart of the codes, and their CCITT5 tones). Code Tone Combination 1 700/900 2 700/1100 3 900/1100 4 700/1300 5 900/1300 6 1100/1300 7 700/1500 8 900/1500 9 1100/1500 0 1300/1500 KP1 1100/1700 KP2 1300/1700 ST 1500/1700 C11 700/1700 The two tones should both be played simultaneously for 50 ms, with a 50 ms gap between them. Ps: This shouldn't be done from a home line, and whatever you do, don't ring home! I have never done Blue Boxing (cause I cannot be bothered) but I do think it works. For any reason you need to get in contact with me, the e-mail address is fucted_brain@yahoo.com