|\ /| | \ SWAT 23: November 99 / | | \ / | | \ / | | |=====================Fertiliser Rockets======================| | | |======================by syZtem Krash========================| | | / \ | | /Hi, in this article, i am going to try and tell you how to make\ | | /a simple rocket from a pipe, some fertiliser and some sugar. Now,\ | |/most of you will have heard of the basic fertiliser bomb, which in-\| volves compacting a sugar/fertiliser mix into a biscuit tin, putting the lid on and detonating. But do you know how to make a flying rocket? *NOTE* I learnt this in a science lesson, but havent had time to test it out, so in theory it SHOULD work. As ever, i accept ABSOLUTELY no responsibility, so if you blow your arm off, dont winge to me! This text is for education only! Right. First, if you know how a rocket works, go onto the next section, because now i am goinging to explain this 'simple' principle. A rocket works by having a certain amount of fuel stored in the body or in special tanks (if it is to carry ppl). This fuel is then forced out through an opening, where it is set alight. Once alight, the fuel coming out will provide enought force to lift the rocket body off the floor. So how do i make one? Ok. The equipment you will need is: 1 Lengh of pipe (about 2 1/2 inches diameter) 1 (or 2) Pipe caps paper some sparklers Fertiliser and sugar mix (i dont know the proportions) 1 peice of copper plumming pipe 1 Length of wood Tape nail and hammer Ok, got all that? Good. Get the thicker pipe, and put a cap on ONE end. The cram as much of the fretiliser mix in as you can (if you wanted, You could now just stick the other cap on and youd have a pipe bomb). Now, stick a big hole in the other cap, using the nail. Make it about as big as the thinner pipe. Screw the other cap on and epoxy the smaller pipe in (it needs to be quite long but not as big as the wood). File the smaller pipe with fertiliser/sugar mix, as much as you can. Next all you need to do iscover the end with a peice of paper, and jam the sparkler in, then secure it, light it and run like you are about to die! (coz if this goes wrong you probably will >:( *NOTE* The rocket must have sufficient power to be able to lift off , so dont make the big pipe too big or the little pipe too little (did anyone get that?). Also, with this mixture, you ca make a VERY destructive bomb, by cramming as much of the mix into anything that will be deadly (milk bottles, biscuit tins) and then lighting the sparker (dont forget to put it in first :). Also, nails, glass, or anything sharp or that will cause injury (rocks?) can be added to the mix, to add that little personal touch :) 'Just some random thoughts thrown into a text file' -SyZtem Krash -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUG: www.erh-central.co.uk For all your RM hacking needs - cool TXT files and apps that you won't find anywhere else on the internet! Plus it looks cool too! ;-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Email: syztem_krash@hotmail.com ICQ:45390844 'No one has ever won'